So herd you leik my Anon costume
Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!
Age 35, Female
Voice Actress
Southern CA, USA
Joined on 6/2/08
So herd you leik my Anon costume
It's rather dashing. You're a strapping young man in that suit.
Play with dicks they are the best take pics
In due time. But until then, I'll take your word for it!
^I was wondering how long until someone was going to say that. Really, it's inevitable.
I personally believe the concept of 'girls know what girls want', and thus, if there are more women who have influence on the game's development, the game will appeal more to girls. (The Sims had a lot of women working for it, just saying) Also, Play Bayonetta.
Yeah, university is hard... I haven't had time to animate at all!
;_; Yep. I want to work on my Bioshock project, but... University means I don't I have time for that until I graduate.
I flag abusive reviews and reviews that violate the review guidelines!
There're a couple guides/flashes out there that can help you figure out which ones they are~
I want a deity whistle!
Then 3D anime will revive it!
*generic eye sparkle and fist clench*
i haz too guinna piggies
i wonder whats the demographic for old games... you know, half life 1, doom, team fortress classic, duke nukem 3d... surprisingly enough, its relatively young players. id expect some guy in his thirties whos nostalgic about smashig headcrabs with a crowbar, or witty one liners, would be the majority.
well, i guess since anime has such an incredibly large demographic, ranging from toddlers to adults, it would seem that it spreads out too much. i dunno, economics aint my thing. maybe its just the vast amount of relatively unheard of animes.
Well, you need to specify what you mean by "old games" and I'm not sure if you're talking about target demographics or demographics that are /currently/ interested in the media. I'm pretty sure FPS's target older players (teens, twenties) and younger players (pre-teens) just happen to play it too... And as for younger folks playing older games, call it a new generation. We were probably a certain age when so-and-so game came out, so with rereleases and whatnot, I'm not surprised if a newer, younger generation is interested in finding out what's the big deal behind a game we "old people" were all raving about.
As for anime, it has a bunch of genres to satisfy its huge audience content-wise (to an extent, as I will agree that nowadays, there aren't that many "good" anime). Meaning, there's something for everyone. What's hurting the industry isn't "there ain't enough fans"--oh there're PLENTY to make it THRIVE... What's hurting the industry is that those fans aren't "giving back" (by buying) or aware that they're taking more than giving (torrenting instead of streaming from official sources where advertisements will give them at least some money).
I like your news posts...
Awwww, thanks~! <3
I sometimes think my voice acting updates aren't interesting enough, especially when I'm on a hiatus, so I try to talk about other things that'd probably be worth reading too~
Can I have a hug?
Wanna take an alka seltzer cold? Usually helps me out with coughing and whatnot.
Anime dying? Meh, just a sick phase, I just haven't heard anyone talking about it for awhile, doesn't mean anything. Game equality, just give it time and girls will kick guys out just like they did in the workplace. (Where is my manpron!)
Finally PLEASE take a break, just play a game for like 30 minutes, not even everyday just like every now and then. YOU WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER, TRUST ME!
Oh I've been hearing a lot just this year, so I felt it was a topic worth investigating.
::points at the response about studios going bankrupt::
Don't worry, I'm aware that anime might be going through growing pains. So did radio and television.
xx; And I want to rest, but... The work... The deadlines...
1: Japanese animation wasn't the first to experience a decline; American animation got hit in the late '50s/early '60s with rising production costs and uninspired content. Take a look at Ralph Bakshi, rather than worrying if the animation was good or bad; he decided to just animate and try to make the movie better. Truth is, I don't think hand-drawn animation, whether it's from Japan, New York, Hollywood, or Korea, will ever truly die. (Contrary to what assholes such as RTil would want you to believe.) Of course, there's the fact that Japanese animation went through a similar situation in 1953, which lead to the likes of Osamu Tezuka and Go Nagai.
2. The first woman in videogames was Dona Bailey who created Centipede for Atari. Therefore, it was the first videogame that appealed to girls. Christine Donofrio was the second. (She created Mystic Marathon for Williams, and also worked on Joust 2.)
For both, I think a majority of older things are better. Don't get me wrong there are some great modern anime's and video games but really my tastes are very... conservative for those mediums.
why dont they make more roleplaying games everyone likes those and b4 u say anything no i barrely raed ur post while typing this lol nudity games everyone likes nudity
n3kk!d time
whats n3kk1d time oh did u meant naked i get it lol ummm yah posting cause extrme bordom ummmm imma actually read ur news thingy
i read post and i say that instead of posting random links to various unethical and explicit websites i would give a intellegent comment regarding youre post but then i got myslft confuse and all i got to say is thats alot of stuff and also i forgot so ill post a link to ur news <a href=""> st/533727</a> ok now that thats out of the way anime is already dead because blood+ is dead....... in my opinion but if videogames were more girl oriented then guys would complane even if it was in middle wtch wouldent be easy people would want it how it was and some girls like how games are now
now because my dumbass gf wont msg me back imma bug u insteadlol back to immaturity ummmmmm lol the boobs voiceacting thing was funny
Play Fallout.
"S is for Strength, and that means I am strong! I can carry lots of toys and swing stuff all day long!"
"P is for Perception, a long funny word! It means what I tasted, smell, saw and heard!"
"E is for Endurance, and that's how long I can play! I'm always really healthy, and have energy all day!"
"C is for Charisma, it's why people think I'm great! I make my friends all laugh and smile, and never want to hate!"
"I is for Intelligence, it means I'm really smart! I use my brain for lots of stuff, like science, math and art!"
"A is for Agility, that's how I get around! I move real fast and easy, and I never make a sound!"
"L is for Luck, and it's simple, you see! It means that good things always happen to me!"