Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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5.86 votes
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you maybe wondering why i wont stfu its cause i luv u

You're my biggest fan
You'll follow me until I luv j00
Pika, pi-pikachu

rejoice she was just looking at porn and not paying attention so now i can leave u alone

I'm just surprised there's another anime watching, video game playing college student here in southern California.
Looking forward to your stuff :D
Good luck surviving the next 4 weeks of your college, I know I'll need mine XD


lol yay im big at something i gotta tell my gf!!!!!!

I have many female gamer friends, but none of them admit to being female while online. They use male character models, and remain in party/private chat in order to avoid harassment. It is sad how many immature people are out there playing video games online, who can't even handle the presence of a female gamer.

"The Anime Industry is [a tad whiny, not particularly innovative as a whole, and yes, potentially] Dying".

The answers to most of their problems seem obvious to a Newgrounder.

1) Industry distribution of anime as streaming media on the producer's site or Hulu (or whatever streaming media site so long its easy to access), with paid ads embedded into the experience. I believe Funimation already does this in addition to their TV channel and are doing pretty well. Though they also seem to posses other core competencies that many of their industry peers seem to lack, I do think it all comes down to them just having management with more than half a brain.

2) MERCHANDISING! Many people love anime and even if they are the most diehard of fansub junkies, if they have any money to spend, they DO want merchandise of their favorite animes. Problem is, unless something is "Bleach" or "That other show that's like Bleach" (I keed, but you see my point), merchandise is really hard to come by. With modern manufacturing technology and the existence of "The People's Republic of China," it really isn't that hard to raise the capital to start merchandising, even for your average startup anime localization and distribution company. Anime fans WILL buy merchandise if you make it available. I don't have any market research to back that up, but damn it, they will! Anyone who's been to a large anime con shouldn't find it hard to understand.

I can't speak for every company out there, but I do have some second-hand insider info on one of the bigger anime distributors. You see, before my "work associate" worked for my company, he was involved in this big anime/manga localization firm (I'll give you a clue, their name sorta sounds like "Stroke yo cock").

Anywho, the CEO and founder of this company did have a strong passion for film, but not really any interest at all in animation or comics. He didn't really give a shit. He STILL continues to not give a shit, right now! He got into this industry when it was young and i guess just seemed like a good opportunity to bank off a niche market. Again, I can't speak for the whole industry, but what to do you expect from the american anime industry when you have douche bags like this manning the helm? Who's gonna be inspired to make improvements and changes when even Mr. Bossman himself doesn't really care? By the way, this is exactly why my "work associate" ultimately left that company.

Fansubbing is practically older than the very industry itself (google Fansub VHS Trading) and probably deserves most of the credit for anime's present popularity outside of Japan. Killing it is both near-impossible and potentially to the further detriment of the entire industry. Ultimately, it just seems plain rude to start calling for the tarring and feathering of fansubbers when they're the guys who made us aware of this shit in the first place!

So my Final Point:

The american anime industry's biggest problem is-- drumroll please? nah, they're not worth it-- the american anime industry! They can scapegoat piracy, fansubs, and whatever the hell else all day long, but they don't strike me as a very mature or well-organized industry to start with. I mean, some companies do release great localizations, but many of them continue to churn out pure rubbish.

So yeah, american anime industry, fix your own damn problems before you go around blaming everything else! I'm done.

I don't endorse the above as an academic or even intelligent analysis on the anime industry. I did no research before writing it and still have no intention to do so. Also note that I really only talk about the industry in america. While we are much larger and potentially more lucrative market than Japan, I really don't know dick about the situation back there, though I wouldn't be surprised if some of my points still applied in in glorious Nihon.

Still, I think I made some damn good points and I meant every word of it. So harumph!

Super Smash Bros. Brawl + 1 or 2 friends

All you will ever need to survive.

i need a voice actress for a flash cideo im making called the adventures of captn child toucher. its about a pedophile who hijacks a schoolbus and has an extremely gay explicit child pornographical orgy with lots of little boys and girls. i was wondering if u were interested in voicing the schoolbuss driver that captn child toucher analy rapes with a sqrew driver untill she bleeds to death.

I don't do those kinds of roles, dude.

Ask Usako.
