Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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5.86 votes
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Grandpa Passed Away + I drew 100 hands.

Posted by Hnilmik - July 10th, 2012

'Kept it quiet and private for a long time, but I feel it's probably for the best that I fill y'all in that I'm going to be mourning for 49 days as a part of grandpa's Buddhist funeral traditions. He passed away on the 5th, so today is... Day 6-ish. He meant a lot to me, my family, friends, and the Vietnamese community, so the very least I can do is make and devote some time to pay my respects to him.

So, more hiatus-ing and delays with my voice work.

The first, and last, thing he ever heard me voice in was Kagemono, which is now on Newgrounds. I voice Beopup the Fox~ Give Arythusa s'more love; She's awesome and we could use more of her amazing animations on NG~

I draw when I'm stressed, so when he was suffering in the hospital, I drew 100 hands in 5 days to improve my skills. I heard somewhere that at Disney, animators made their interns draw 100 hands to buff their art skills. True or not, I still learned a lot, and it was neat seeing my friends participate at well~

And now, to spew the past month's updates for the folks who don't follow me on Facebook!

Voice Acting News - August is going to be a BIG Month + Charity

I FINALLY have an entry on Anime News Network, thanks to providing additional voices for and having a name in the credits of K-ON! Season 2! Part 1 is out now and Part 2 comes out in August~

Dust: An Elysian Tail is coming out on the Xbox 360 on August 15th! It was a MASSIVE hit at E3, Shigeru Miyamoto gave it a look-see (I wish I knew what the creator of Mario thought of the game!), and I voice Fidget, the orange flippy-flappy fox-bat~!

Detective Grimoire, FINALLY has a projected release date-time-month: August! You can pre-order the game and get some sweet swag if you give its Kickstarter some lurve~! Again, I voice Lady Weybridge, and she makes an appearance in this trailer~

The game runs on the following iOS devices: iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad, iPad 2 and iPad 3. It'll also run on most Android phones and tablets with Android 2.3 or higher.

And holy crap, Rival Threads: Last Class Heroes, where I voice leading lady Maya Pendleton, is at 472%. 3 hours left 'til it closes! GIT YERSELF SUM M04R SWAG!!

Aaannnnnddd I also provide a rather Khajiit-sounding voice for this SFX library. What's this SFX library, you ask? Well, are you a game developer in need of quality, pre-recorded voice recordings (among other SFX) for your games? Affordable Audio has got you covered, with over 4300 files, and 25% of each purchase goes to Human Rights Watch. Basically, a resource for game developers that also goes to a good cause!

Other members of the cast include, but aren't limited to: Omahdon, Karen, Rina-chan, Seymour, and many, MAAAANNNYYY more!

m04r Voice Acting News

Re:DarkSouls - I voice Quelaag~ That was cute~
TOME Episode 4 - Once more, I voice Granda. Nylocke lovers/haters, I DEFINITELY had fun with my scene~! Here, in case you couldn't hear all the stuff I improv'd:

TeamFourStar's DBZ Abridged Episode 30, Season 2 Finale came out! Again, I voice Chi-Chi, and she shows up in part 3, as well as the Godzirra Girl~ To give you an idea of what my recording session was like...~

Aligning with my current Skyrim addiction, I voice Lydia in this Skyrim parody, with Druox being the uber awesome star of the show and TomKitsune being awesomest for making all this possible!

...According to this, I recorded 185 released projects. Lets see if 15 more get released this year so I can say that I recorded 200-ish projects in my 4 years of voice acting!


wow. you sure got a lot of stuff to do. very bizzy..

and im sorry for you about your grandpa :C. i know that feeling...

Blimey, so much voice!
And I should really practice the 100 hands thing myself, or just get into a habit of doing x amount of drawing a day!
And I'm sorry to hear about your Grandpa, I lost my Grandmother about 2 months back, so I know how tough it can get. Hope you're ok!

I hope your okay H. :<

Art sure is a wonderful coping tool; what with stressful depressing situations in life and all.
the one hundred hands and they're representative actions felt like what that person has done is what impacted the most of their time up to this point. Looking at it makes me feel appreciative of what i have done, what i am doing, and what i will do in the future.

It's quite endearing for artists to share life experiences with each other; it shows that there is great deal of trust between artists and viewers.

Also, good luck on current and future projects!

Sorry for the loss of your Grandpa; it must be very hard (I haven't lost any of my close relatives). Anyways, nice job in TOME and DBZ Abridged. I'll have to try that 100 hands thing sometime, it sounds neat.

Wow itâEUTMs great to see you doing so well Hnilmik! You are definitely a super nice person with buckets of talent pouring out of you! ^^ Hopefully people will get to hear the awesome "evil bird" sounds you did in my cartoon this year and it can help add to that 200 record for ya! Every little bit counts right? lol ;D

~Also best wishes to you and your family for the loss :[

::hugsh hugsh!::

And yush, every single bit works, 'cause that's exactly how I accumulated such a massive body of work! 'Still camping for your animation!!

I understand your grandpa thing, i lost mine a while ago, still keep pictures of him above my computer desk, almost cried myself while writing this, remember, he probably wouldn't want you to be so sad you couldn't do what you love doing. best of luck, looking forward to that 200 announcement

It's gotta be hard, and dedicating 49 days... It's impressed. I'm curious about those mourning rituals, to be honest.

Off-topic: Well, I don't have Facebook, and there's many people that I know whom no longer use FB, so yeah. I prefer big monthly updates rather than daily info scrapes for updates, and that happens with many things.

Mine's gone too... Parkinson's took him. I bawled when I got back from the funeral...
But on a more cheery note; DUST LOOKS AWESOME and Detective Grimoire is appealing.
I also laughed at Granda.

I'm gonna try the 100 hands thing...

Sorry for your loss. You really have a gifted talent and your grandpa would be proud
to see you succeed in the future for what you are now.

sorry fo your loss. I can kinda relate to this....

Bless you, it's never easy to lose someone. I'm sure everyone here can relate and you have many people to lean on. I hope this time of mourning is a smooth and peaceful one. Also, keep up the stellar work, you have to be one of the most gifted and talented voice-actresses I've ever had the pleasure of hearing.

i seriously sorry for your loss cuz i lose mine too, 3 years ago and i know the feeling

Sorry for your loss mate. I have been listening to your voice acting (some of which i don't even realize was you) And I'm pretty sure your grandpa is proud of ya...We sure are.

(out of curiosity, what's your nationality? I thought you were american at first, but that don't seem to be the case.)

xP I AM American! Both of my parents are Vietnamese and I was born in the US~ So I suppose I'm a 1st generation Vietnamese-American!