This is gonna be a long post 'cause I'll be sharing tons of stuff that piled up over the weeks...
What is Skullgirls?! - http://skullgirls.com/
Who is Ms. Fortune?! - http://skullgirls.com/characters/ms-fo rtune/
Some behind the scenes stuff on voice acting for Skullgirls! - http://skullgirls.com/2011/06/on-voice -acting/
For the lazy yet still curious folks: I auditioned from my home in southern California, they liked what I got (I was choking on stuff all day out of surprise when I was told that I was cast), and I drove out to record the real thing in the studio, where I got directed to scream, attack, and meow all over the place. Meowing was of course our favorite parts of the session and I hope to record more for her soon!
If you've read some of my older blog posts, you'll know VERY well how much of a fan I am of Alex Ahad's work (long before Skullgirls got under the gaming radar), so I'm REALLY happy to finally work with him on something! I'm also happy to be in a game of this much awesome-ness with my voice acting friends in the cast, with more to come!
Oh yeah, I provided additional voices for the first episode of the Secret Millionaires Club mini-series that aired on The Hub (in October)! You can baarreeellyy hear me say "MAGNIFICENT!" near the end of the fashion show scene~
Funny story: I found out on accident that it was going to air on TV while watching My Little Pony~
What else piled up?
Awesome stuff on Newgrounds like:
Jack's Halloween Treats - I voice for Chloe and all of the little kids in this~ I hope it places in the Halloween flash competition 'cause it's VERY cool!
Resident Evil Code: Pwanchi Part 2 - I voice for Ingrid Hunnigan~ Small part, but I always want to work on something Pwanchi because of the fun writing!
And, I helped a friend of mine, Jinberry, with her Sound Construction project for her Masters degree by voicing the mermaid in this adaptation of Emily Carroll's eerie comic, The Prince & The Sea!
Voicing with me are my friends Omahdon as the Narrator and Apatheria as the Prince! Be sure to watch this in glorious, HD FULLSCREEN! It better emulates the experience Emily Carroll was going for with her comic!
No, seriously, watch it in fullscreen. GOGOGOGOGO!!
Hear me once again as Chi-Chi in TeamFourStar's DBZ Abridged in the Lord Slug movie that premiered at Youmacon!
I think I got everything--NOEP.
I voice for Lyaazor in this Artists At The Ready 2 flash entry for round 3 by the talented PhiTuS! It's unfinished, but hey, for OCT's (which I've ALWAYS wanted to voice in), better something than nothing! Also in the cast is Omahdon once again! Seriously, I'd watch it JUST for him I've never seen kooky and suave pulled off simultaneously before jkdhskghjkl
AatR2 R3 Lancaster Turnpike Act 1
AatR2 R3 Lancaster Turnpike Act 2
AatR2 R3 Lancaster Turnpike Act 3
@@; For folks who don't believe how busy I am... There you go. Now if you'll excuse me, I still owe lines and I have more auditions to do!
Junk Drawer: Copy/Pasta Time
Formspring: I like answering questions, especially about voice acting! Mean questions just make me sad!
Tumblr: Where I scream at paper until the fibers surrender strange markings!
why is everything moving
what is going on
why is her head rolling with the punches
omnomnomnomnom aaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!