Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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My voice is going to be in an animated children's show on television.

Posted by Hnilmik - September 20th, 2011

xT ...But it didn't air yet, so I'm not gonna say which show just yet, but it's for a well-known TV series and I literally got paid to laugh at people and meow like a bajillion cats.

Heads Up!: I'm gonna be declining a lot of new voice acting opportunities so I can finish up the work I'm working on now!

I say this practically every blog post nowadays, huh...

But I mean it! Mean it mean it this time! To this day I have no idea how I even get a bunch of these TV show, video game, and so on voice acting opportunities without a good demo and I don't want to push my luck--Or jinx it by being too excited!

I want to give my demo the time and care I've been promising it all these years, as well the the projects I'm working on now, so I really have to turn down even more opportunities to make this possible... So I can pursue even more insane opportunities!


Resident Evil Chronicles 3 - I think I recorded my role as Jill Valentine in this 1-2 years ago! And you know what? I like how over the years, the animation got better!

VG Exiles EP 3 - Aaanndd I recorded for my role as Cammy in this a little over a year ago! And whoa, I'm a little self-conscious about how much I've improved since, but DAYUM, no wonder this took so long to release--Dat fight scene! DAT ART!!

Xionic Madness 4: Part 1 & Part 2 - Aaannddd I still voice for Kary, the green-haired, homicidal, telekinetic, dominatrix robot hell-bent on killing everything ever. People don't usually cast me as villains (for some reason), so you bet that this role holds a special place in my heart~ I knew the XM series was popular, because it's EPIC, but whoa--There's fanart?! There's a WIKI!? STAY TUNED FOR PART 3!!

Voice Acting: no seriously where are my lines what are you working on anyways

Let's look at these sticky notes I FINALLY decided to employ after losing a bunch of stuff because my last laptop blew up...

4 animations (1-2 of which are animation pilots)
2 animated series finales (guess which 2 asddgdh)
2 "dubs" (more like adaptations?)
I finished recording 2 games (1 for the PC, another for Facebook--doing pickups/redoes)


BTW, that definitely ain't my natural voice--Kary is more around my natural voice, if you're familiar with my work.

Fun Fact: One of the above animations I owe lines for requested I video record myself recording! Huh!

but really saaagdfgajkghfdkgjsjfgk i'm working hard! i'll get all these projects doooonneee!! don't be afraid to punch me to work harder--i'm a masochist!!

Junk Drawer: okay shut up wrap up this blog already

I was interviewed again~ It starts around 15:43 and features even more different stuff from the last interview I did~!

Formspring: I like answering questions, especially about voice acting! Mean questions just make me sad!
Tumblr: Where I scream at paper until the fibers surrender strange markings!

here have some wolf/jackal heads i doodled thoughtlessly under a minute
i'll whine about pursuing a master's in another blog post sdfhsfdh


Well, many congratulations for landing the children's show gig, Hnil! Lookin' forward to the time when you can give us the full details. c:

glad to see you are in such high demand - and that i nabbed ya before you declined Echo Force Zero! - - best of luck Hnil


xP Now git dat done!


I saw the entry on the news, and I wanted to know who had the chance to jump from Flash to the TV... Congratulations, I just saw your work its amazing, you deserve it.

Good luck! :D

What kid's TV show?

congrats homeguuurl! much deserved


Wonderful! To be honest im actually thinking about voice acting myself, It's just that every time i manage to make the best with what I've got Something crucial i need to do something breaks and i have to spend money to fix it and im back to square 1, and i can already tell my headset is not going to last the next year & a half and i don't have the money to replace it :(. and in need of a new computer as well and it seems a job as a voice acting like what you do and maybe producing music can easily get me the money to build one as well help me shape my financial future.

o_o; Just a heads up, voice acting ain't a stable job--You're constantly looking for opportunities and even if you find 'em, you don't always get 'em. One day you might get a gig and not get another one for months.

Short answer: It takes money to do voice acting (for equipment and acting classes), don't do it for the money (or fame) 'cause it doesn't pay well (especially while you're starting out and non-union), and only pursue it if you REALLY love it enough to invest up to 10 years JUST to break in. Ask any established pro willing to tell you the truth and they'll say the same thing.

I'm in my 3rd-4th-ish year and I just work twice as hard in half the time and I'm STILL not "IN-in" the biz... But I'm still working at it 'cause it's an active goal. A dream with a deadline, not a wandering fancy. It's okay to be interested in VAing so early on, but don't do it for the wrong reasons, or you'll be CRUSHED!

Is it phineas and Ferb? Also, good luck!

ha ha haa
you sound old!
....(cricket chirps)

;D Then I'm doing my job~! Lady Weybridge IS rather old~

Congrats Hnilmik! I can't wait to hear which show (not to mention see it)!

Congrats to you! I hope it's not a Disney Channel cartoon!

It's not up to me where they air it!

S'good stuff

Sound like old Lady Akara from Diablo II, rogue emcampment.

"I am Akara, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye. I welcome you, traveler, to our camp, but I'm afraid I can offer you but poor shelter within these rickety walls."


XD I need more opportunities to use that voice, so I definitely listened for this Lady Akara and attempted her lines...! Didn't record it, but it's nice to know that this kind of voice does show up!

Congrats on that interview!!!! ... and that job on the show I guess.... :p

XD Hee~

let us know what the show is that you'll be voicing in. even if it's a kid's show, I'd still watch it to hear ya. also let us know what role it will be so we can find you. good luck.

I mainly provided additional voices, so lots of background characters for a bunch of episodes.

xP A liiitttle tricky to point out specific characters...! It's easier for me to point out individual scenes!

Hearty Congrats!

Wooty McWootingtonlywoots!!!


Congrats! You have a really good voice! (u purdy 2)

In short, cheers and kudos!

I thought Rice said Wooley at first...

but congratulations.

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