...And I have 3 days to type up 50 pages for a screenwriting class (and the script is for this crazy series I keep talking about--OW), 4 days to finish a comedic script (8 or so pages away; I suddenly want to try animating this too--WHY), and 10 days to shoot a short scene for camera acting class (didn't even start yet--AUGH).
How am I not dead?
Still on my voice acting hiatus 'cause I'm GRADUATING AND I WANT TO THINK I HAVE MY PRIORITIES STRAIGHT!!
Voice Acting: Released Projects
Construction Men (Scene1) - I voice for the phone woman~! It was great being able to work with Ockeroid again, along with my other voice acting buddies!
Always Remember Me - I voice for the leading lady, Amarantha Finch, in this dating sim for girls! This is super exciting for several reasons!
1 - Cristina Vee and I always seem to come close to but never really voicing in the same project together, mostly due to a lot of bad luck. Sure, she just sings the main theme for this game (written by Matthew Myers), but it's closer than before! And you can buy the theme song too!
3 - ...now i dont have to photoshop my face into the game for my sick fantasies where im surrounded by prettily drawn fictional men in hopes of the void in my heart being filled by these simulated relationships no wait that sounds freaky and wrong i mean
Sanity Not Included S2, EP08 - I voiced for Ultimecia for the Dissidia segment and Amanda for the animated segment!
...I owe lines for a couple tight deadlines. Lots of exciting stuff on the horizon, I'll tell ya that much! And once I graduate, there'll be even more to look forward to!
Art Quest: Fighting an Art Block!
...I keep changing the title of this portion, don't I?
But yeah. I'm fighting an art/creativity block as hard as I can so I can finish my screenplays and hopefully still have a brain to function. Here're two ways I typically do this:
1 !! - I surround myself with my favorite influences and keep looking for new things to be inspired by. My favorite artistic influences I run to the most are, in no particular order...
Alex Ahad - His stuff is so dynamic and his style has so much personality~! His color choices just pop! I can spend hours browsing through his Livejournal art dumps~ Looking forward to Skullgirls~!! Fun Fact: Cristina Vee is in this game too, haha~
Unknown-Person - His animations are FUN, ACTION-Y, and AMAZING. It's a shame that his stuff made it onto NG only once, where folks uploaded his stuff without his permission and subsequently scared him from wanting to upload his stuff here since. If there's a reason why I suddenly want to single-handedly animate my own series, it's because of his works. Here, have a video someone uploaded onto YouTube without his permission.
lenkobiscuit - One of my favorite artists/animators ever. His style is sooooo pretty, unique, and distinct. A very creative guy and damn, is it true that the devil is in the details! And what I like most is how his colors stand out without punching your eyes, y'know? Vibrant, but appropriate to whatever effect he's trying to achieve. I can look at and rewatch his stuff for hours. Seriously, I still love the crap outta Hipsterween.
Toniko - The pitch trailer for Serpent's Grave was gorgeous as hell. Now watch the 1st year film he made at Calarts.
So painterly... So flowy... And look at how those shots were composed! And the action! And the magic! It pops instead of blending in with the rest of the animation! Every moment was interesting to me~
I would die if I manage to work with all of these people someday. All of them. By the looks of things, I'm slowly making progress!
Other things that inspire me?
Cirque du Soleil with its surreal awesomeness! I've actually watched most of the shows these acts are from!
Magic! I'd live in the Magic Castle if I could, but for now, I'll settle with visiting the place every time my magician friends give me the chance (I'm so lucky to somehow befriend a couple members of the magic culture/society--you can see one of them in this video)!
Here, have a pickpocket magician working in Cirque du Soleil's Kooza!
Why yes! I'm a rather whooshy eccentric person who loves dynamic spectacle, surrealism, and magic!
2 !! - I KEEP DRAWING. OR CRY TRYING (see what I did there).
Below are a few doodles for my series that turned out okay-ish. Needless to say, I have a waaaayysss to go before I even come nearly as good as my artistic influences.
Dx How do you guys fight art blocks? I need new methods!
California burbank gurls <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 (: (: (: (:
xP I don't live in Burbank!