Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Graduating IN A MONTH?! OR LESS!?

Posted by Hnilmik - April 22nd, 2011


xx; AND I'M BEHIND IN... My scripts and my voice work. It's the final stretch, so bear with me! The stuff with the RIDICULOUSLY close deadlines are at the top of my priority list (ex: school projects, friendship/reputation/professional endeavor on the line). For new requests, it's HIATUS, HIATUS, HIATUS 'TIL SUMMER!!

I think I'm done by May 11th. I think. That's one of the "final class dates", anyways.

Voice Acting: Released Projects

42 Boxes ACT I - I voice for Liz the Fire Mage in this~

What's Next After Graduating? Art Major?

EVERYONE asks me this, especially since I often express not wanting to be a screenwriter despite my major in that area. LOTS of people, including myself, wonder "Why aren't you an art major?" Hmmm... Well, a few reasons.

1 - I art to relieve stress and express myself. I art as a hobby I want to be good at, not something I want to be paid for doing someday. I can't see myself doing art for profit. I'm not yet at the level where I think my art is or will be worth any money and even if people wanted to buy art from me now, I'd probably turn down the offer 'cause it'd stress me out for maybe not achieving a vision we both are looking for. It's a quality/standards thing. Also, would it be douchey of me to be in this major where everyone else is taking this seriously, wanting to be in a big studio someday, while I'm all "lawl i just wanna draw pretty to make pretty stuffs at hoem 4 teh internet"?

2 - Of the few art classes I took part in, I found myself surrounded by pretentious "artiste" types... In general, especially in creative fields, I don't like surrounding myself with people who find it necessary to demean others to give off an air of being "critical thinkers". I like honest people and while blunt words may sting, I always appreciate what they have to say. I just don't like people who're too full of themselves and think they're "enlightened and infallible" (ex: "Everyone should see things my way and they're stupid if they didn't understand the message I was conveying"). I'm guessing that these people will be around no matter what, but will they thin out later on in the major?

Ultimately though, I'm thinking of POSSIBLY going into animation next. There's so much I love about it, and have loved about it, for the longest time, maybe my entire life, and it's probably about time I actually pursued it in somewhat similar mindset I have towards screenwriting: I'm in to learn how to convey my vision the best way possible.

I'm probably gonna talk more about this in a later date.



I've had it for a long while now, but only my friends know it exists, haha~


Graduating is overrated. Stay in college for a few more semesters. :P

gurl we gotta go for drinks when you grad.


Schools important! :D Finish school stuff FIRST, then you can catch up with voice stuffs. GOOD LUCK! Once you graduate you'll be all "YESSSSSSSSSS." and dedicate yourself to voice acting.

youre awesome so thank god youre gonna pass i still got a couple more years to got im in fifth grade i already pass the math and reading taks just need science


Great job on your Pico Project.

Go for anything ya want! Animation or whatever, it doesn't matter coz you can take'em all/ Just promise me you'll keep doing voice acting coz yer so awesome at that.