Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Wayfinder 2 + ZOMGIES & MOAR!!

Posted by Hnilmik - April 8th, 2011

Voice Acting: Released Projects

Whoa, a couple things got released since my last update~!

Wayfinder 2 - I voice for Philon in this point and click game~!

I always wanted to work with Hyptosis~ Dude, he really knows how to make games, especially point and click ones, atmospheric; I dig that hardcore you have no idea*.

o_o; Man, I really wish there was a way for me to do something for him... 'Cause he's one of those producers who really, really cares for his works and who's really, really nice to those he works with, so you feel bad whenever you do something stupid while working with the guy. And I do stupid things 'cause I'm made of lame.

ZOMGIES - I voice for the main girlie~

Kreid put in extra effort for this one and man, he just keeps getting better and better at animating! I've been voicing for quite a few of his projects for what, a year now? It's insane how fast he improves with each animation he cranks out.

Aroura Cascade - I voice for Megan Star in this BULLET HELL game! PEW PEW PEW! I recorded this about a year ago, so if you recognize my bad imitation of one of my closest voice acting friends, you know why--HAHA~!!

Once more, I voice for Amanda (the brunette) during Spazkid's animated sequences in Sanity Not Included (Season 2)!

I love how fun that show is and I love how Spazkid just adds to the zany-ness with his awesome animating talents (UNDER RIDICULOUSLY TIGHT DEADLINES, MIND YOU)~ I always replay the animated sequences. Over and over and over. 'Cause they're just so fun and cool to look at.

And probably for the last time, I voiced for Nanako (the poor little girl that NEVER gets a break) in Sapphire's Hiimdaisy Persona 4 Comic Dub.

It's the finale since the artist, Hiimdaisy, is discontinuing the P4 comics to pursue other interests, like her own original projects~ Very, very pretty original works at that! Like her gorgeous webcomic, Cucumber Quest!

But, upon realizing halfway into recording that this was the finale for the P4 comic dub, I did something special~

xP Yep, those were a lot of takes I recorded and had to pick the best few out of to send to Sapphire, who picked the best one to use in the final product.

But yo... Didja know that Sapphire has more plans up her sleeve~? You'll be hearing more super sexy mixing and obnoxious voice acting soon enough in the future~

Voice Acting: Stuff in the Works

You know what I'm excited about? During my Spring Break (YES, I'M STILL RIDICULOUSLY BUSY DURING MY SPRING BREAK MY GAWD), I went into the studio and recorded for my bestest best friend in the whole wide world's thesis~ I play the supporting character, who's not in the trailer but is awesome nonetheless~ WANNA SEE THE TRAILER AGAIN!?

She's working really hard on it and aims to submit it to festivals before finally putting it on Newgrounds (she might get disqualified if she puts it here first, so that's why NG gets it last). Cross your fingers for her!

Errrmmm... I owe lines for 2 indie games (BY PHENOMENAL PEOPLE WITH PHENOMENAL ARTISTS ON THEIR TEAMS), a HIGH profile website, and other smaller (but no less significant) projects. I have... 3 days left of Spring "Break". Don't I have less than 2 months left 'til graduation? Didn't I say that 2 weeks ago...? SHEESH!! THE WORK!! IT'S SWALLOWING ME!!



::ahem:: This may go into the next news post if it's still on my mind... But if I work on developing my Bioshock series some more, I wonder what it'd be like to make a point and click game series? Hmmmm...


I'm saying how many asians live in California.

inb4 asians in the library

Thanks for the praise Hnilmik :D
Hopefully I'll keep improving too ;)

damn girl you look nice

^ Asian central is in Irvine specifically.

Projects here, projects there, projects are just everywhere!
Work is really making you ache, even on your spring break!
Yup! A busy woman you are. Oh if you don't mind me asking, what kind of mic is that you use. I think I need a new one :/

daddy, I want it black.