Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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Flargleschnoot. Somehow surviving 6+ classes. SOMEHOW.

Posted by Hnilmik - February 21st, 2011

Wow, I'm a week late with my regular bloggy posts. Why? 'Cause school has been slaughtering me. 6 classes and voice acting workshops whooooaaaaa...! I've been doing okay so far though! The only class I've been doing a bad-ish in is Comedic Writing 'cause my sense of humor sucks. Yep!

Didja Know...?:
- In a standard sitcom, there's a joke for every 15 seconds. In the sitcom screenwriting format, it's approximately 2 pages = 1 minute.

I'm having a rough time in Comedic Writing class 'cause we're graded on how funny we are and I'm not THAT funny. At least, not on paper. I'm so-so in Improvisational Comedy, but in a physical, crazy kind of way that involves fewer words.

Voice Acting: Projects!

I voiced for all of the girls in Nerds Can Never Love~ It's fun, short, and cute and was a pleasant break from my whirlwind insanity of classes (hee, the fact that I have a Pokewalker IRL made this even more close-to-home for me~). Thanks for the great opportunity to work with you, Ockeroid! And it was great working with the neato RicePirate too!

A PC game I'm voicing in will be released on February 24th (like, this Thursday), so I'm also excited for that! I'll update this when I know I'm allowed to~

[EDIT]: I did some voice matching for an Easter Egg in Gemini Rue! Hint-hint, it's one of Melissa Fahn's most iconic roles~

Sanity Not Included on Machinima.com! Season 2 started! I voiced for quite a few parts and there's a new episode every Sunday, so excitement for when those shorts show up yay whoo!

...I. Still. Owe. Lines. For big projects. As in, you know how I usually just voice 10 lines or less for a bunch of projects/clips/shorts? That's how I'm in a lot of stuff--Just a lot of bit parts. So, whenever I have bigger roles, they kinda take up a lot of "agenda space" since I want to devote as much time to those as possible. Every once in a while I'd like an engaging role, y'know? I feel soooo bad that I'm taking so long with those lines...

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Please remind me if I'm voicing for you if you think I'm talking about your project.

xx; Really. I love being reminded. Much more preferred over things going bye-bye without me knowing or causing folks to be furious with me.


I draw a lot during class! So all these development sketches is me trying to stay sane in Camera Acting class and Advanced Screenwriting class.

Didja Know...?:
- As a general standard, screenwriters working for a studio have 12 weeks for a feature-length screenplay.

I'm 5 weeks into my 15 week semester and I'm currently working on a beat sheet to work out practically everything that happens in the story. EVERYTHING! All those plot holes that came up in the story's treatment (think: straight summary run of the entire story; before actually writing the script)? Gotta iron them out. Protagonist/Antagonists undermotivated? Gotta figure out what they want and how they're gonna clash while goin' after 'em. Since I decided to use this class for my personal project, it's fun and stressful at the same time. Fun as in I'm gonna think about what I wanna think about anyways. Stressful as in "Ho crap, preproduction".

As for actual production... I'm thinking of POSSIBLY majoring in animation when I'm done with my Bachelor's degree in screenwriting. So, once the script is done/CLEAN (may mean more drafts), have all the audio and recording done during my "break from scholarly, suicidal endeavors", then animate it leading up to/during my animation major?

I'll keep thinking about it.

Here. Character designs/doodles/flargleschnoot.

Flargleschnoot. Somehow surviving 6+ classes. SOMEHOW.


That's nothing I got about 9 classes! Anyways, nice work on the projects you have been working your voice with. They are turning up awesome!

Hard time in comedy? Well use your random humor some more, write crazy, if they want more words then say something spontaneous. There's always more than ONE way to do something.

It didn't work...

A class where you try to be funny.. Sounds extremely fun actually

It's fun, sure, especially since we read jokes for most of the class, watch funny scenes, semi-study stand up comedians, and there're some really hilarious and witty classmates, but it's not quite as fun whenever your jokes are met with a silent room.

>_o; And our homework assignments have to appeal to our professor's sense of humor more than our classmates', so there're times where I'd make the room laugh, but get a meh grade 'cause the teach "didn't get the joke".

I got 6 classes, and Two of them I actually like. English [I like Writing Scripts and such] and Digital Design. [We use Flash every once and a while.]

Lucky... actually I am working on something for a Script, I can do SOME impressions/voices, and I have a Character Design set up already for a little Comic thing.

Good luck hnilmik. :D

Don't stop until you bleed!



Stupid californian girls.

Six fucking classes? No chance in hell I'd cram that much shit on my shoulders. And I'm not envious of you in any way. That's fucking suicide, like running into the street right when the ice cream truck runs you over. I'll take the slow grind of part-time courses anyday. At least I know I can afford it then.

The trick with Comedic Writing, besides getting a joke every fifteen seconds to work, is to stay up late at night and brainstorm then. You conjure up ridiculous stuff during those hours in a stream-of-consciousness that brutalizes everything in reality... because you're likely very detached from it. Everything becomes far more amusing from a detached perspective.

The other trick... yes, there are several... is timing. You can have a poorly animated cartoon that manages to crack someone up because the timing in the script is spot-on. Observe comedians in their acts, even if you think they suck, and observe how they attempt to balance the whole timing gig.

Finally, and this hint was learned long ago and the context was a little opposite of how we'll apply it here: sarcasm implies anger. You really have to be passionate and infuriated about something before you can poke fun at it. Clowns are hobos without stage fright. We point and laugh because we certainly do not want to end up like the clown. (If you've watched The Dark Knight, you'll see a classic example of this). Sarcasm isn't the only route for a screenwriter, but understanding how it operates will help you get a better grasp on your own motivation to finish a screenplay, not just the characters'.

If you're more into improvisational and physical forms of comedy, then maybe your scripts, sit-com and otherwise, ought to reflect that. One of the really good physical comedies I used to enjoy was "3rd Rock From the Sun". You can learn a lot about a pompous fool just by how John Lithgow's character, Dr. Solomon, MOVES... as well as speaks. Another good physical comedian is Hugh Laurie... no joke, since he's not actually crippled in real life like his his titular character in "House MD".

I hope this helps somehow. Remember, like my friend says: "You learn more from people than from books."

WOHA! 6 classes is worse then the 4 I usually have (and my classes make me want to sleep!)

XD I try to turn "Sleepy-time" classes into "Time to draw!" classes to keep me awake, or I get yelled at.

Then, I collapse into a narcoleptic coma when I get home...!

thank god fo FaFsa student aid amirite?
just got my other half of the check for this semester and happy...


Hey, don't have people get to you because your taking the most out of all the units you can. I live where you are, and I've heard about the same deal before.

In fact, most people do that just to graduate even earlier from the core classes. You go girl!

By the way, does that class let you say SEXUAL jokes? ;)

Haha, my professor doesn't think highly of sexual humor (so don't count on high points unless you catch him off guard), but he lets us use it! In fact, he let me use a few dead baby jokes too, though it's kinda hard to write sitcom scenes incorporating them.

I THINK he draws the line at offensive humor like racial, sexist, and psychological condition jokes, however.

Once again, I'll have you know that your sketches are definitely better than anything I can come up with. At all. :P

Nice job!

I knew you were perfect casting ;)

I didn't realize the page estimate was actually different for sit coms!
So are you intending to specifically go into comedy rather than film/tv in general?

Nice sketches!

This is actually weird to explain, but I ultimately want to do voice acting above all else. I initially majored in screenwriting thinking, "Hey, I'm pretty good at writing, so I might as well try to learn how to write for cartoons [though there isn't a Writing for Animation class] to keep me alive while pursuing the starving artist job I really want [voice acting]!"

xx; Many whiney-whine-fests and 1 semester away from graduating later, it hit me hard that I actually HATE writing; just because you're good at something doesn't mean that you like it. So at this point, I'm trying to at least make the most of everything I'm learning from my major so I can incorporate them into my other interests.

I'm pretty much into anything animation-related and kinda dodged going directly into the animation major since I didn't want to "make it a career" (art'ing is just a hobby I want to be good at and I don't want to start hating something I literally do 10x's more than writing). At this point and after talking with my family, I'm considering going into animation anyways and still keeping that "I just want to make my own animations; I don't see myself getting paid for animating in a big studio someday" mentality.


oh hnilmik you just know what to say ;)

If you're really having that much of a hard time with comedy writing I can probably give you some insight to how my creative process goes. It's kind of hard to articulate via text but shoot me a skype message if you're interested.