Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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Screenwriting & Getting Off My Butt To Write The Script(s) to My Series

Posted by Hnilmik - February 1st, 2011

[insert stuff about me being on hiatus and still owing lines here + utmost gratitude to patient folks]


Which is a good thing 'cause I'm poor and it's almost the only way I can afford voice acting classes and books. Saving up Christmas money + birthday money + new years money = being able to afford taking 3 voice acting workshops this February!

This is my final semester before I get me bachelors' degree in screenwriting! Here are my current classes:
- Advanced Screenwriting
- Writing for Comedy
- Acting for Camera
- Improvisational Comedy
- Web Page Design (web)
- World Geography (web)

...Yes, I'm taking 6 classes and signed up for 3 voice acting workshops. That's how insane/suicidal I am. But! Once I graduate, I'll be home free! I wanna go to Comic-Con 2011 and if I'm mentally disturbed enough, I'll maybe try majoring in animation! HAHAHAHAhahahahaha... /wrists

Screenwriting: Ow

I love telling stories, I hate writing. I write a lot out of habit, not because I like doing it. I hate writing for other people and I hate reading other people's scripts, doubly so if they just want me to blow rainbow up their butt. It really, really stung this winter when it finally occurred to me that I "wasted" my college education on a field I actually didn't have a passion for--I want to write for cartoons, sure, but voice acting is clearly my dominant passion, with drawing being my second. When I say "wasted", I meant monetarily and time-wise; Like I said, I'm kinda poor and I wish those scholarships and awards became an investment. Ultimately though, I'm glad that I still learned a lot about developing characters and telling compelling stories. As is, I'm a solid writer, so strengthening my storytelling abilities will help me tell the stories I want to tell even better. Aaannddd not tell the stories that actually kinda suck!

Screenwriting: Stories and Stuff I Wrote Thus Far

Last year, I wrote a heavily TF2-inspired screenplay, thinking that I had a neat plot and a nifty set of characters to play with. "I might even animate it!" Turned out it was a PAIN to write and the plot wasn't dynamic enough--For sure, Cuanta Vida reigns supreme as the best TF2 fanstory ever written in my books. There's always something keeping the story going and it IS funny how the author eventually trained her audience to ALWAYS expect something horrible happening on the next page, haha~

Anyhow, in the end: That TF2 story got scrapped upon the script's completion! No plans on animating it. The characters might be recycled though. I have a funny habit of recycling characters...

Bioshock project might get shelved or scrapped since the story hardly developed for the longest while. Inspiration ran out of steam? Who knows... Kinda worried that it's going the same route as the TF2 story since I toed the waters with my first flash having to do with this project...

As for my true-blue more original scripts... The first screenplay I ever wrote is kinda like a sequel to the series I want to animate; If I trim the excessive details, the running time may even be 20 minutes or less. I'm scared of animating 20 minutes when I can't even animate a person walking yet, let alone supernatural beings fighting. It was kinda fun to write though! Maybe after several more revisions and learning how to animate, that story may eventually be seen by human eyes other than my own!

As for THIS SEMESTER'S SCREENPLAY... I had to decide which of 2 stories I want to write. The series I've been developing for half a year now or... The vague subplot that gave birth to itself because one of the characters from the main series became 10x's more interesting than the heroes themselves.

Screenwriting Class = Being forced to develop and tell a story, complete with finding and filling every single plot hole possible. It gets me off my butt, basically.

If I choose the SERIES, I might deal with pacing problems* 'cause it's a friggin' series crammed into 90-120 minutes... But I meant that series to be 6-7 minutes per episode, wha...? I'll check the math later to see if this is even plausible.

If I choose the SUBPLOT, which is what I'm leaning for, I'm gonna have to make up a looootttaa stuff. But on the other hand, I've been inspired lately (especially by OCT's on Deviantart--Hotel Haven is my current crack 'cause the premise is amazing enough to inspire tons of talented artists, including myself, even though I'm not participating), soooo... If this story turns out good, I might try animating this alongside the main series, kinda like the Tsubasa and xxxHolic side-by-side thingy. We'll see!

Here are some sketches from that subplot, featuring that goggle-wearing weirdo again (probably the best drawing so far), a crocodile pirate with a slight obsession towards clocks (damn, he's easy to draw--like every other animal I draw), 1 of 2 magic rabbits (scoot-dop-diddly-wop), and a snooty writer who conjures stuff with her writing abilities (which is less cool than it sounds).

Screenwriting & Getting Off My Butt To Write The Script(s) to My Series


Oh my. -w- That seems to be a handful of things you got going on. Hope everything turns out to be the way you want it unless something unexcepting happens. Best of luck to you from just a person (which is me)


Dang, that sucks about your writing thing. I understand you because I went through exactly the same, except vice versa. xD Terrible at drawing, much more better at writing out the story. Anyways it just means you gotta start over with a new and set goal and maybe this time you'll be comfortable with that direction. I don't believe everyone has a set goal right off the bat and you shouldn't feel discouraged about changing your direction. All it means is you need more time. Hope that helps.

I like the croc.

Croc and rabbit are pretty coo'. :3

6 classes!? the 3 classes I have in grade 12 is enough to put me to sleep but 6 would kill me of boredom!

Easiest way to make a story concept, take the "fan" out of "Fan-fic",
Eliminate every trace of the story you got the inspiration on and only keep the stuff that is MOST important that the story would be nonexistent without it.

It's cheap but oh well :P

6 classes? My ex-girlfriend did the exact same thing. Plus voice acting workshops?

Dang, you got your work cut out for you. I hope things go well for you.

I'm also a poor college student. You know what they say though " they busier you are the more time you have".

I like your sketch! Definitely better than anything I can come up with, that's for sure. :P