Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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2,865 / 3,210
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I'm normal, I swear!

Posted by Hnilmik - January 17th, 2011

I still owe lines. Fortunately, a LOT of my workload got cleared up this winter break because I've been working hard at bunch of projects on and off and D-Mac and Druox were keeping me on track via directing since I seem to get "voice acting ADD". If you finally got my lines lately, PLEASE THANK THEM FOR HELPING ME FINISH THEM!


Lemme explain: On my own, I tend to take forever to work on my lines since I want them to be EXTREMELY good. I don't like rushing through my lines and delivering crap; I go for quality. The problem with that, of course, is that my lines take forever to turn in because: (1) I'm never quite pleased with my performance and I second guess myself a lot, (2) I work on all the easy lines first and take forever to work on the hard lines and/or (3) I forget I have lines in the first place after taking so long to do them...

xx; I always, always warn people who scout me that I take a while to turn in my lines for these reasons + life. Didja know that though I go back to school on the 20th, my 2 younger siblings have been going back to school weeks ago? And that it cut into recording time since I can't scream like a banshee at night anymore?

Anyways, this is why I love, love, LOVE being live directed over Skype! And by folks who have good ears and will tell me when the takes shouldn't be kept and SHOULD be kept! Since I really want to do this professionally, it also helps me get experience in working on the fly instead of taking 3-5 minutes figuring out "What should I do with this line?" And if I take a long time per line, you can see how the ADD kicks in... 3-5 hour recording sessions per big project have been shortened down to 1-2 hours, which is AWESOME. If your lines are more amazing then usual too, that's also because they pushed me to be even better~ I'm happy that folks keep giving me challenging roles and that I'm getting help figuring them out instead of, say, delivering crud/lazy attempts!

Voice Acting: Your Voice Acting ADD is Showing Again

As for "easy" projects... Oh, those can always be done insanely fast 'cause I scream often enough to usually nail the take in one or two tries, depending on what's wanted. I wanna be able to do THAT with everything I do, so getting help in the more challenging departments will help me in the long run.

I still need to work on my demo. I can't believe my winter break is almost over! How many people know the extent of my range? How many people know I can do THIS!?

/* */
I can explain this! This is actually me recording for an audition that wanted alien noises (it might still be on NG's front page). See, one of my wishlist roles is an animal/monster/alien/whatever that utilizes my "WTF IS THAT NOISE" ability.

For as long as I remember, one of my biggest heroes is Dee Bradley Baker for his "WTF IS THAT NOISE" ability; He voiced for Appa and Momo in "Avatar: The Last Airbender" and Perry the Platypus in "Phineas and Ferb". Yeah, he totally corners that market, but one of these days... ONE OF THESE DAYS... MY DREAM WILL COME TRUE!

Soooo, are ya still art'ing?

Yep. And still developing the series too. Below are sketches of two of my favorite characters to draw thus far (except for the imp; her head is a pain to keep consistent)... However, they're clearly not the heroes, but they're so much more interesting! I've had a long history of liking strong supporting characters and villains more than the main protagonist types. In fact, I RP'd for years before I got into voice acting and my characters always turned out to be the strong supporting character types; They always helped or got harmed by the main characters of the RP's, haha~

It's gonna be tough creating the heroes you'll be following for this series! And making them more interesting than the supporting cast and villains!

I'm normal, I swear!


The first 6 seconds was the best alien voice I heard in my life other than hollywood's choice of an alien voice. Keep up deh good work on being a voice actress.


Yay~!! I never got to actually use those screeches for anything, so I'm glad you like it!


XD That made me smile.

Cool :)) But is it me or did you sound like the zombies in Left 4 dead? anyway great work it looks like your really putting emotion and effort thar:D and may i ask whats your nationality?

In hindsight, yes, I did sound a lot like the infected in L4D, ESPECIALLY the Jockey!

I'm Vietnamese~

I'm not sure why, but turning off the sound on that video makes the gestures even funnier.

And I totally just tried it.


Your not normal... :|

D: ...!

It's either you're good, like to do it. Or you're not good. Really glad I don't have that craze otherwise I wouldn't be able to sleep.

Sleep sounds good.

I believe you are normal... I swear...
This video partly scares the shit out of me (my god, that's screech is scary D:), and partly cracks me up.

Anyway, nice alien voice, people should make more alien-flashes and let you do the alien voice. D:<

D8< There should be more alien/monster "WTF is the noise" opportunities!

Luckily, I know that I'll be voicing for Comick's flashes as a critter or two! YAY!

perfectly normal girl


Totally normal? Yea I agree....nothing off about this at all...WHERE'STHEDOOR?!WHERE'STHEDOOR?

In all seriousness, woah. Didn't know you were that good at monster sounds. You really achieved great texture on these. It's also cool that you act with your body when you VA, I need to start trying this out; sometimes I'm ramrod straight in my chair and thaaaaat probably is why I take so many takes at times lol.

Keep up the good stuff Hnil, I look forward to the next vid you post! Very entertaining. :)


lol I hadn't even watched the video when I posted that last comment, you're quite talented at doing whatever that was... but you're still not normal.. :|

=D ~! @ the compliment (thankoo!)

D8 ~!! @ still being not normal

its okay theres places for people like us where we are considered normal :) i E> your worx .

In the cozy-wozy room where everything is soft and white!
