Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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I have friggin' nightmares about voice acting now, what the hell.

Posted by Hnilmik - January 2nd, 2011

...And those nightmares are often along the vein of the lines I owe haunting me in some shape or form. Not cool, man. Freaky emails threatening to destroy all I hold dear because I'm late with my lines? PM's eating my face because I'm taking too long to record? My recordings saying creepy stuff when I replay them? MY WORK IN PROGRESS RECORDINGS COMMITTING SUICIDE?!

asdhgjsfkhkg I think I woke up screaming one time too, no joke, but it was okay 'cause I slept at 6 AM and woke up at 1 PM.

I got soooo many projects done, but I have soooo many more to do! It's like I spend one whole day screaming, the next day resting ('cause while it doesn't hurt my chords, I get dizzy and light-headed pulling all-nighters recording), and often the day after that, I gotta leave the house to remember what sunlight feels like (oh, and visiting relatives, both distant and falling ill--I sometimes think I have too many relatives).

This is one hell of a winter "break", yo.

But seriously, even though it sounds like I'm going through hell working on these lines, I love voice acting and trust me, I'm hauling tail to get 'em done and awesome-like!

Voice Acting: Released Projects

I voiced for Lucca in the Chrono Trigger of NiN10Doh: To The 64th Power! According to my calculations...

I forgot to post this last time! This got released a while ago, like late November. I voice for both of the boys in this. I only have "1 boy voice" and that's the age 12 and younger range, but the animator insisted that I voiced for the older boy too, so... Challenge! This made me want to practice more boy voices. Hey, if I have 3 old lady voices, why not have at least 2 boy voices?

/* */
Art Quest: From Traditional Arting To...?

This needs its own section: My quest is to eventually make a flash series, as I've mentioned in previous journal entries. So, I've been developing my series for a while now~ Story-wise, I've been gradually ironing things out. "Straight to pages" never yields good stories (it also leads to more writers' blocks than it needs) and good thing I didn't run with the crud I initially came up with!

But most of all, I've been strengthening my drawing skills in general while fleshing out and working on character designs. Like, my "pen mileage" will be spent on scrappy rough drafts 'til the designs look good as a whole! I love how the more I learn about drawing proper-like, the easier it gets to achieve the results I want~ It's like the better I get at anatomy, my characters look less stupid whenever they pose!

Now, I think I'm decent in the traditional medium department (or with sketches at least). However, flash animations are a digital medium and usually, they... Don't look as pretty as my sketches. I want to cry every time I look at my digital pieces... Anyways, that means I oughta be doodling more in Photoshop to get better at drawing with a tablet. But Photoshop to Flash... I'm aware of the lag between strokes, so you can say I'm a bit intimidated about that!

And oy, I gotta learn how to draw backgrounds... Or find someone who'll do that for me, but how would that collaboration work? AND MUSICS! AAHH!! FINDING AMAZING WHILE AVOIDING COPYRIGHTED STUFF!!

And lastly...

Should I or shouldn't I have an opening or trailer/teaser for the series? All I know is that they can be epic-awesome, especially if they feature crazy amazing stuff, but...

/* */

Here, have a sketch.

I have friggin' nightmares about voice acting now, what the hell.


Geez woman, calm down!!!

Make the bad dreams go awaaaaaayyy!!

Sounds like you need a coffee, we should go out for coffee some time, and drink coffee.

I'm more of a hot chocolate person. We should go out and drink hot chocolate some time, and drink hot chocolate.

...You're in Australia.

gimme a kiss

'3' ~~blowing the smoochie your way~~ <3 <3


I would like to help you and take over some of your work, but since I'm male... and a lack a proper Microphone, I can't, sorry :'(

Now these dreams will haunt me... FOREEVVEERRRR...


You just need to calm down postpone on your work and have a drink or 2. or3, or 4
Srsly just relax!

;_; I've owed these lines ever since I got them during last semester... Which means they've been delayed for months! I feel bad for making the producers and animators wait more longer than they need to...

Hey, I can do little boy voices too! Wanna hook up? :D

And we will make sweet boy conversations with one anoth--WAIT WHOA NO STOP STRANGER DANGER

All us cool cats are in Australia. ;D

All the Aussies I know are completely crazeh. Are you crazeh too? It's coo' if you are.

You should at least take a break for awhile >.> or you could try watching something that calms you down or gets you in a good mood before sleeping :D works for me>:3

I sometimes wonder if I should watch more TV, 'cause it does get me more sleepy and restful after watching a few shows...

Your drawings are certainly getting better, good to see you putting in the effort. The offer for help learning Flash still stands, just let me know.

Sure thing! I'll definitely give you a holler when I actually get to the attempt-animating part~

You're having dreams about evil PMs eating your face and you think Kangaroo Land is crazy?

Oh lawdy!

Oh me! Oh my!

I live in Southern California aswell and the woman there aren't as crazy as you.

I'm a very special nutcase.

Maybe you should stop and rest, get your sleeping back in order and what-not. If you still love voice acting then it's probably your body trying to get you to stop and rest for itself. It's like having 2 yous and you have to make both of yourselves happy.

I found a trick with backgrounds (well with buildings and streets anyway) and that's just to make all the lines the same. For example you have one horizontal line, one vertical, and one diagonal. Make these lines you want with a ruler and just keep copying those lines into the background you want. It's SO much easier this way than to just dive right into drawing.
That only works if the vanishing point is outside of the artwork though.
If you want the vanishing point to be inside the page then you have to do the old fashion way of putting a dot where the art vanishes into the distance and make all of your lines one way or another reach that point.

I'd offer to do backgrounds for you but I'm not totally sure if you'd like them. (still need practice myself)

Good luck though!

Thanks for the tip on backgrounds though! Awful thoughtful of ya~

Also what are you, a Burbank Burglar?

I wish I lived close to Burbank. The commute for a burglar living as far out as I am is brutal.

Shall we drink hot chocolate with monocle's and top hats in a mansion?

Oh yes, that would be quite smashing, hon hon hon cheerio!

I could send you a copy of The Odyssey, that'll put you to sleep and get rid of your nasty wasty nightmares. Or you'll just have nightmares of the book. Shaddup! I'm only bouncing off ideas.


Nightmares about your vocation? I have them on occasion too, but not about voice acting. About nothing happening with my chosen vocation. That... is worse.

If it helps any, take a week off. From voice-overs, that is. I wouldn't overdo it if you get nothing but nightmares. They're trying to tell you something.

;_; I'll definitely take a break after finishing other time-sensitive lines for projects!

WOW thast one hell of a post >XD so many awesome things and so many creepy things =P... Dont worry I'll keep you safe in my arms <--- anime line

>=T I wish there were more pro-feminism anime lines for me to use! I guess that means I have to be tsundere and punch you for no good reason!


acavaron yo ne se sito ammo vamonos

I wish I knew enough Spanish(?) to give you a proper response...

I know spanish (I'm mexican) and I have no idea what giancarlo99 is trying to say, so I can't help you either...xD

And so, his words shall remain a mystery... All mysterious-like...

Ok, first go to sleep again. Dream about a chainsaw then try to dream about the one that mailing your nightmare. After you complete that step, SAW THEIR M*********
"Cough" Uh, just wanted to say, FACE YA NIGHTMARE, woman. End of line....

...There's a bad word that starts with an "m"? Really?

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