Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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Anime Consumer Research Survey - It's for my final paper, guys!

Posted by Hnilmik - December 4th, 2010

[EDIT]: Holy crap, I got sooooo many responses right now that they're more than enough for me to complete my paper! SOOOO many thanks to you guys and if possible, I'll see if I can post my paper somewhere when I'm done and if I'm crazy/suicidal enough, even continue my research since by golly, I got a LOT of interesting and different responses from 7 different places--Whenever the responses got similar, in spite of the anonymous submission factor, things got interesting!


Hello, my name is Kimlinh T. and I am a student at California State University Northridge. I am conducting a survey for a research project. Please answer these questions honestly and to the best of your ability.

You may send your answers to me via PM or submit your answers to the following email address with the subject "[SURVEY]":

I prefer if people DON'T post their responses to keep other people's answers from being influenced.

Thanks for your help!

1 - Do you watch anime?


2 - Why do you or don't you watch anime?

3 - What do you like and/or dislike about anime?

4 - What are your favorite series?

5 - Are you currently watching a series?


6 - If yes, which series are you currently watching?

7 - In general, who do you think is the target audience of most anime today?

8 - How do you mainly get the anime you watch?

a) I purchase/rent DVD's
b) I borrow DVD's
c) I download them through torrents
d) I watch them online
e) I watch them on TV
f) Other: _________________

9 - Do you believe this statement is true or false:
"The anime industry as a whole, in both America and Japan, is dying."


10 - Explain why you say that.

11 - What do you think the future will be like for anime in the next 5 years?

12 - What do you think the future will be like for anime in the next 10 years?

Demographic Information





Are you a student?



Financially Dependent
Financially Independent


;_; Don't make me throw out answers, guys.

And using front page posting powers for school, aaaaawwww yyeeeeeaaaahhhh...

Meanwhile, I will say so now:

Last news post, a LOOOOTTTTTAAAA talented and helpful folks responded and I gotta say, if they never saw it last post: Thank you SOOOOO much! I learned a lot and am glad that others learned from the replies too!

Am mucho more excited about animating now! Someday!

Do I really need to do this?

Only if you want to~

That's basically a yes. Including the fact you Front-page posted this, which really isn't the best thing to do. For this reason, anyway.

Well, if people can promote stuff to vote for and people to check out, I figured it wouldn't hurt for me to post a survey.

o_o; I've seen weirder FP posts.

Sent. Oh, and before I go into my loathing moment for the time I spent correcting that message over and over again, I love your voice compared to Rina Chan, who sucks. A lot. (Would kill self if ever related to and such) Your voice is such a nice change of pace compared to her damned high-pitch voice. Sorry to insult her and what not, but it's really an annoying voice. Yours just sounds so much more realistic.


Hey Miccool. You bother reading any of this post at all?

"I prefer if people DON'T post their responses to keep other people's answers from being influenced."

^ 800.

woops my bad, browsed too fast.. well then just save it and delete it then...

Yeah i'll send you my response through PM.

=D Thanks!

Sent my answers, good luck on your paper.


Sweet, I'll send by an email later tonight..

Heh, don't count, I'm only 14 =w=

Dammit, forgot I had to leave it in a PM. Sorry to anyone who feels spammed by that damn essay.

Is anybody paying any attention what so ever to when she said "DON'T COMMENT WITH YOUR ANSWERS, REPLY THROUGH EMAILS AND PM'S"? Beacuse seriously, to be old enough for this site you should have learned somehow to fucking pay attention.

@@; NG ain't the only place that had trouble following directions. I had to throw out a LOT of responses...

Fortunately, right now, I have almost more than enough responses from the folks who sent me stuff via email/PM~ They have my thanks~

I didn't think I'd get 15 or 25... Right now, I THINK I got a total of 50 usable responses across 7 communities/forums, which is not a bad number.

check ur skype.

by that i mean i send the answers on skype

Sent the PM. Good luck with it~ :D

Sent per PM. :P

Also, if you don't prefer to have me post it here, you can just copy the info and delete it. :)

>_x; ...Hate to say this, but the moment it's public for any time or reason, I have to throw it out. Can't "salvage" it by saving and deleting--At most, I can delete. Can't "pretend/hope that the answers were completely unaffected by other people's responses". Sorry. It's how it has to be done if I want this research to work.

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