Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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Good adventure, point and click games? Survival horror games? DATING SIMS? o mai

Posted by Hnilmik - October 1st, 2010


2 car accidents, the near-death of my grandma (MRI read some scary things, but things are actually okay), and 2 sick family members later, I'm sick too (my voice is almost all dried up) and I'm studying for a LOT of tests, plus working on a big paper. That said, I'm still on my voice acting hiatus...

Know of any good adventure, point and click games?

I like point and click games! Especially the adventure kinds! I already played a bunch here on NG (like Alice is Dead, Legend of Pliskin, A Small Favor, Foreign Creatures, Reincarnation), but I just can't get enough of them! Know of any other good ones I can play?

Not too fond of "scary" games though. Like, the horror ones where things pop out at me and scream while I'm deeply concentrating on clicking everywhere on the screen. I get startled too easily.

How about Let's Plays of good horror games?

...Then why the hell did I watch a Let's Play of "Amnesia: The Dark Descent"? I blame Omahdon and GeneralIvan. And uuuhhh... I like watching other people play scary games instead of playing them myself, 'cause I'm a cowardly dork, yet like being scared when occasion calls, a la "It's Halloween month! Time to get scared for funzies! Yaaaaaay!" Geez, I NEVER keep quiet during the "water monster" scene (23:49)...

/* */

...Know of any other good Let's Plays of survival horror games? This guy made it less scary for me with his silly-when-appropriate moments (instead of yammering during cutscenes and being annoying), but I can bear silent Let's Plays too (does that technically make them walkthroughs). I already watched Haunting Ground (technically not scary, but...yeah). I actually haven't watched the Silent Hill or Clocktower games, so maybe I'll start there.

=P Bioshock was... Semi-scary to me, but not really since it's not a survival horror and I can shoot the scary things and set them on fire. Too cool to be scary. Looking forward to FLYOSHOCK.

I'm "making a game" + Dating Sims for Girls

A super simple, "Choose your adventure" one on YouTube, but a game... Adaptation. It's technically pretty easy to do, but time consuming if you don't want to make a piece of crap, so maybe one day, after I'm done with this project and if I'm extremely bored, I'll make something similar in flash using not-copyrighted artwork (::coughs::).

I like dating sims for girls... Especially for OLDER girls (not hentai, you pervs; look up: otome games) since it's awkward to date guys that're in their 15-17's when I'm 20. It's also awkward to date guys in the right age range, but look really underraged because of the anime art style. If I were to make a dating sim, the guys would have to actually be interesting to look at instead of bling'd out clones with the same face and body types.

I wonder if there's anybody who'd like to do all the art while I figure out the rest? Just a question. Nothing happening yet since I'm new to flash. The most I'd be able to do is a YouTube version.


Monkey Island 1. D:

Omahdon got me hooked on Horror too i'm afraid = /
is this some plot of his for his future use?

O and to answer your question

Condemned and penumbra.
they are truly frightening

Adventure games: try my "Jack French" series.

here, i watch lots of this guys Lets Plays...he mostly does horror games. It works. <a href="http://www.youtube.com/user/Helloween4545">http://www.youtube.com/user/Helloween 4545</a>

If you don't mind sick games:

<a href="http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/187916">http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /187916</a>

Have you heard of 5 days a stranger? Point and Click Horror game, free to play and a good series as well.
<a href="http://www.fullyramblomatic.com/5days/">http://www.fullyramblomatic.com/5days /</a>
(Done by Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw, creator of Zero Punctuation)

that's a creepy game.whooa.
anyway,you got a good voice quality! that's impressive.

you should play Johnny Rocketfingers 2

If you were interested by the 'Amnesia: Dark Descent' Let's Play, I think you may want to check out 'Penumbra: Overture'. It's much older than 'Amnesia' but it's from the same guys, and its very similar in play style.

As for point and click games to play, you've mentioned all the good ones I know on NG. For other games you may have to buy (unless they're freeware by now) check out the old King's Quest series. They started becoming point and click around the fifth one I believe. The first 4 were all typing adventures. They had a pretty decent story too, took place in various fantasy kingdoms with some very interesting setups (Traveling to the land of the dead, outsmarting a minotaur after working your way through his labyrinth in 6, struggling through a desert, and facing down a yeti in 5 were good fun that required brain rather than brawn).

A Dating Sim for girls with a target age group of around 20? I may actually have to check it out. I wish you luck on it. Unfortunately I'm no good with art so I can't help you.

Exmortis 1 and 2 here on Newgrounds is a pretty creepy point and click game.
My all time favourite though is still the old Discworld point and click I played as a kid

What's 'The Legend of Pliskin?' I don't find it if I search it on newgrounsd. Mah, I'll try it on google. The name reminds me of 'Castle', this stick-figure series, you know... (It's fucking awesome, maybe you'll like it too. Its not a game, but it's kind of horror. Clichée (is that typed like this?) but still, its - as I said before - AWESOME!))

Halloween is the best time of year, btw - wait, look at my name, ... I only made this account cause of Halloween. Whatever.

If I find any other good Point'n'Click game I'll tell you. Btw, did you play Silent Hill: Room 304? I think its Room 304, but just search for Silent Hill Room or something - its a Point'n'Click tribute to : guess what : Silent Hill! Or something like : Satanorium is also nice. I didn't play it through, though. I'm easily scared. And it was midnight or so, ... whatever.

And I gotta try that Amnesia - Thing too, hmm... whatever.

Just : Yaaay!
Side informatin : Longest post i've ever made on Newgrounds. :3


Here's the dude behind the Legend of Pliskin series~
http://holy-howard.newgrounds.com /flash/

It changed a lot over time. I got to voice in the latest one too!

XD As I've said, I don't play scary games; Not fond of being startled and I get easily scared too. I just watch other people play them.

The best point and click are the old school.

Kings Quest series
Space Quest series
Monkey Island series

I've heard good things about the old Lucasarts point and click adventure games, but I've never played them myself.