Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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5.86 votes
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You shouldn't have done that...

Posted by Hnilmik - September 17th, 2010

Thought Dump

Craaaaazzzyy off schedule with my personal projects (recording something cute and random + Bioshock project), but then again, I had more important things to deal with anyhow... Like university, my internship, getting into a car accident 2 days ago (+ legal/financial issues; may need to see a doctor), and my grandma nearly dying. Such is life!

Fun Fact! I can imitate Rina-chan's voice! She does it better though, being the original and all (you can hear my voice breaking at times and it's more voice than acting 'cause it's not what I'm used to), but imitating her is a fun mini hobby I do when I'm bored 'cause my natural range is much different from hers and it's my way of broadening my vocal range higher. In a way, it's just a matter of how I set my mouth for to imitate her speech pattern rather than changing cadences and whatnot.

I have no intention of abusing this ability 'cause she's my friend~

I'm currently following the Majora creepypasta. I absolutely LOVE it~ It reminds me of the days when I participated in ARG (alternate reality game)s! I totally missed "Something in the Sea" for Bioshock 2, so this is satisfying~

Who else is following it? OH GAWD, I SHOULDN'T HAVE DONE THAT...

FILLER TIME - A Creator is Me!

What I WAS able to work on, however, was a super-duper tiny project inspired by past roles and a silly comment made by a YouTuber. Why? 'Cause I'll eventually forget how to use a bunch of programs if the next time I touch 'em is next year and I wanted to see how fast I could finish it. I aimed for 6 hours at most.

/* */
I worked on this from, what, 2 PM to 1 AM, give or take with looking up how to do certain things again, eating dinner, and homework/studying in between? So instead of 6 hours, I made it in... Maybe 11 hours. For a blinking turret. Wow. Way to aim too high, me! But it's okay. Hopefully I won't take as long next time for a slightly more challenging mini-project and the good news is that ALMOST everything in that project is all done by me (I would've drawn a turret if I "had time", but alas).

In part due to copyright reasons and wanting to earn money without getting fined (read the TOS for Freeplaymusic.com; you WILL get sued if you use their pretty music and make money), I always wanted to "make everything" in a project to really call a project my own instead of a parody, adaptation, or fan-thingy. The only reason why I'm using "familiar crutches" for now is for gaining initial exposure. If you've ever set up shop at a convention, people are more likely to LOOK at your booth if you have something someone will recognize and potentially be interested in. Eventually I'll do original stuff, but I'll be needing plenty of me-time in order to give 'em all the effort I want to give.

Let's see... What are my current skills in my toolbox...

I can voice act -- Gee!
I can write -- I'm a screenwriting major at my university and have been writing for most of my life. I get writing scholarships often enough to fund for my tuition.
I can draw -- Mostly self-taught, but I do practice as much as I can, with the help of those who actually know how to draw. Ignore the crappy things I upload into the Art Portal. My doodles/sketches look less stupid 'cause me and colors don't quite get along.
I can Photoshop -- Decently enough. Not as well as uber-artists, but enough to make simple things that don't entirely look bad.
I can mix -- Kinda; I'm not uber, but at least I'm not terrible and I've listened to enough great mixing to slowly figure out how I want my projects to sound.
I can animate -- I know the basics and I have lots of animator friends supporting me~
I can edit video -- Sorta; It takes some tinkering and experimenting before I get the hang of it.

Things I'm certainly not as confident in? Erm...

I can't manage my time -- I'm an impulsive sonnuva gun. Go figure.
I can't make music -- I can come up with tunes in the shower and while driving to school/work and I can improv a song (really--give me something long enough to "read" and I'll go wild), but what good are those tunes without instruments? Or without TOO MUCH FREE TIME (a la those uber acapella things)?Maybe I'll teach myself how to make music someday... Or talk to some musician friends.
I don't sing often -- At least, not enough for me to count it as "good" or "decent". Not enough training for me to be confident in it.

You can kinda hear me sing as Franziska von Karma in this li'l video...

/* */
...But that's only a few lines. I'm told that should I sing, I'm best suited for jazz and blues, so maybe someday I'll practice singing beyond "when I think no one is listening". Maybe. I feel too embarrassed and awkward to ask my singing friends for tips.

Questions for You!

What are some skills you have?

And what are skills you wish you had, but are willing to pick up?

Do you have any personal goals regarding the skills you have? Or how you plan on picking up the skills you want?

o hey hai

Have my most recent doodle dump featuring one of my many TF2 fan characters. I drew engies, scouts, a medic, and a sniper--Here, have a heavy to prove that I don't draw people with the same animu body type. I call her "Aracelli"~

You shouldn't have done that...


that creepy pasta was really creepy :(

but then it got really repetitive (with the "there's no words to describe" or "like nothing I've ever seen", etc. kind of stuff), and my English lit OCD started wigging out, so I couldn't read it anymore.

I had to put my mind in "this is an Internet writer" mode to overlook all those nitpickable things and really appreciate this~

XD If those drove you nuts, I can only imagine what'll happen when you get to the roommate parts.

Since you asked. I can write, read (this is a skill), act, sing, dance, fuck (sry but, this is a skill too), drink (sigh), and drive a bus to name most of them I remember off the top of my head.

I am planning on becoming an English teacher.

I recently became a good reader and writer, and I want to increase my skill level as much as I can: I really see this being the main focus of the rest of my life; Which is nice.

I'm curious to know, when was it you decided to be a voice actress?

The world could always use more better teachers~

I thought voice acting would be a "cool thing to do" in middle school, but I was sold during my senior year of highschool when I watched my current mentor perform in a recording session for Digimon on January 15th, 2008.

He told me it'd be tough, but he couldn't scare me off and the rest was history. I began voice acting on February 21, 2008.

Nah I don't think of Kira after hearing that clip, it feels more like something from you rather than an imitation.

I guess that means I made my Kira imitation my own!

You a BioShock fan too? I'm still trying to get some help on a Bouncer costume I want done.

I'm a huuuugggeeee Bioshock fan~

XD If it didn't scare the pants off my family, I'd totally cosplay as a splicer~

I wish I could hip hop dance. Seriously I've wanted to be able to do modern dance since I was really little and I think I may just pick it up soon if I can find a non-money related way to do it.


That'd be coooolll... Video yourself hiphopping when you're able to!


best comment ever...seriously it was funny and made sense

Some of those Kira Buckland imitation lines you nailed (1,3,4) but the others have too much range and/or emotional intent to sound accurately like her.

Blah... lets see...
The one thing I totally have confidence in is my writing ability and imagination, got a whole bunch of crazy ideas and I'm beginning to really work into specifics.

Things that could be better
Drawing is self taught or I just dissect other people's work, I can copy perfectly (there may be some errors if its a real life thing though) but original stuff can definitely be better
Animating... all I have is basic knowledge, practically no experience, and no help, but I'll figure it out.

Time managing,
I'd like to say "It's not my fault," because a lot of things that do eat my time are things I have no control of (school) but still I think I could have a little more time. Really only have 30 minutes to animate on GOOD homework days, yeah...

Like to know
Voice Acting, a cheap little way to get known on the site however I still need a good mic, experience, and of course time. Though I did manage to get a part in the same Madness flash you're in (Hiii! ^.^).
Music, basic singing, guitar, piano, harmonica, and flute, then I will be happy.

Guess that's it,

i must say, i just saw a flash that had your voice in it, and the first thing i thought was "is that rina-chan?" Indeed, you are good at imitating her, but yes there is a difference that you can tell of between you two. keep up the awesome voice acting