Thought Dump
Whoooaaa... Okay, I hit the "Voiced for 100 Released Projects" mark a long time ago, but now it's more official for those who don't count stuff like anime on DVD, fan movies, and indie games.
The projects I voiced the most for are machinima (33+).
The second most projects I voiced for are flashes (30-ish).
Radioplays (14), adaptations (11-ish), fandubs (7), and the rest (student projects, covers, "others") follow.
Fun Fact: Both of the "100th projects" are from the Sanity Not Included machinima series~! Particularly since episodes for that series is worked on crraaazzzyyy advance, like, whoa (mini fun fact: guess why Ultimecia's voice keeps changing). The episode where I talk to my bewbs is maybe gonna be released months from now.
Fun Fact: Wanna hear a quality jump in my voice acting and sound quality?
Compare my 2010 voice acting and sound quality...
/* */
To my 2009 voice acting and sound quality...
/* */
Good golly, I'm getting a rash just hearing the room echo in these recordings! And yet, this was when I didn't have enough stamina to get through paragraphs of text in a single breath! I'm much better now and it's kinda neat hearing how much I improved~
It'll be more fun to hear when Egoraptor's Puzzmosis comes out: You'll get to hear my old set-up and acting, my new set-up and acting (recorded just days after), and Ego's set-up and my acting with his direction. It's pretty darn cool~
(We tried to get the live recording session in visual for a possible behind the scenes thing, but I was still pretty inexperienced at the time and got nervous easily on camera.)
RE: Professional Pursuits - Internship
So last time I interned at a post production studio as a marketing intern. Now I'm interning at a college radio station, helping my very first voice acting teacher with her voice acting class~
Not only am I in charge of script stuff, researching, and giving some personal insight, but I'm also gonna work the booth (WHOA, LIKE A SOUND ENGINEER!?), direct (got plenty of experience working with directors who know how to work with new talent!), and mix demos. Okay, I'm not uber at mixing demos, but I'm just a tick above average and this is a lot of people's first voice acting class, so a good/decent start shouldn't hurt~!
Even more cool: Whenever we're not using the 2nd booth, I'm allowed to record lines for my personal projects (demos, flashes, machinima, whatever)~ Methinks in part to help me get used to performing in front of others (a class of 30-something, dang the class grew; I was there when it was only 15-20!) and to show how animated I can get to pump them up!
Next time, once all the equipment is set up and stuff, I'll be bringing my camera to upload more of my live sessions onto YouTube, haha!
Also... Field trips! Field trips to studios and radio stations and stuff! In the past I couldn't make it to the radio station field trip where students got to do some commercials (schedule conflict), but this time I'm most definitely gonna be looking forward to that. Not to mention neato networking opportunities~
RE: Professional Pursuits - Voice Acting
Didja know that I took a voice acting workshop in regards to voicing for Disney theme parks? It's true! And an Imagineer directed us and everything! I didn't know my voice was made for valley girl, surfer chick stuff, but I guess it totally makes sense now that I sound like a stereotypical Californian! Totally looking forward to hitting those California Adventure opportunities, yo. I wanna upload the stuff I recorded, but I caaann't... Bummer!
Next time: Recordings for my Bioshock project and something highly reminiscent to dorky way I asked questions in the last paragraph.
That's one word
Do you mean seven letters?