Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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My First Flash! More Bioshock-ness to Come?

Posted by Hnilmik - August 2nd, 2010

It's mostly about animating this time! A voice actress going into animating, compare to animators going to voice acting! How many of those are out there, I wonder?


Bioshock Project

Rapture's Best & Brightest Trailer

Yay! I released my first flash! Its description speaks for itself, so let's talk a little about the rest of the series and later animations.

I kid you not, Samantha Precourt was an impulse character and I just kept expanding on her since she was so open ended. I feel bad that I'm starting my Bioshock project before even planning EVERYTHING out (which is BAD, since I'm a screenwriting major and going straight to pages never ends well). The LAST thing I want is for my project to be a crappily-written fanfiction. I've seen a few Bioshock fan series, but they never quite compare to what Bioshock is really about, which is the immersion and all that good stuff with its world.

Admittedly, I'm really rough around the edges in the art department. My "art deco studies" come from browsing the Internet and taking inspiration pictures from the inside of the New York New York hotel/casino in Vegas, to name some issues that come to mind (DON'T GET ME STARTED ON 50's FASHION)... However, I think I at least have enough writing experience to know when a story isn't doing what it's supposed to and a keen enough ear to know when the sound isn't "good" enough. Bioshock won awards for its sound design because you seriously can't play that game on mute--All the sounds are crucial to making the game come together. That said, while the visual end has to be done right, the audio has MUCH more weight in the production process.

Upcoming Projects

Meanwhile, I only have a few weeks left of this Flash CS5 trial before I resume animating with Flash 8, so I'll be abusing the crap outta flash to animate random sprite stuff to get more familiar with the program(s). Expect me to abuse sprites from Ace Attorney, The World Ends with You, and other random crap 'cause I always, ALWAYS wanted to do these kinds of things, but never had the patience to do it with Windows Movie Maker like the insane/dedicated people on YouTube.

Original Projects

Do I wanna make original stuff? Hell ya! But at my current skill level, I wouldn't be able to properly convey the visions I want to put forth. Vector and tweening is okay, but the stuff I REALLY wanna pull off are FBF fight/chase/dance scenes at the very least. So... At best, people who see my sketch-doodle dumps on The Backalleys will be able to see the kind of things my brain spits out.

Voice Acting!

Again... Gonna have to cool it on accepting new opportunities. I suck at saying "no" as much as I suck at responding to PM's/emails because I can't resist the opportunity to voice act. But I GOTTA knuckle down and say "no" more often because, unlike high school, things become MUCH harder in the senior year of university. I'm graduating next year, so more animations, but voice acting for online stuff sparingly.

However, I am still working hard~ I'm looking forward to an upcoming voice acting workshop I'll be attending, in which I'll be learning how to voice act for theme parks (LIKE DISNEY THEME PARKS; DIBS ON THE HAUNTED MANSION)! Just because I'm "good" doesn't mean I should let myself get stagnant or complacent, so I'm aiming to take on more challenging projects too. Challenging as in "the director won't let me over act or use anime acting" so I can sound REALLY good.

An upcoming project I'm excited for? Weeelll~~

My First Flash! More Bioshock-ness to Come?


COngrats on your new flash and future direction! Uber congrats to landing a role in Skullgirls! :D

Nothing uber confirmed for Skullgirls yet, but I'm at least in the shortlist~ I'm just very excited for it!

Nice job! Voice acting for haunted mansion!? I wish you good luck on that! Anyway, the picture kinda looks like an old-fasioned megaman thing in a way (the chick reminds me of Red). Or Inspector Gagdet (if it was a little girl or something). Anyway, congrats on your first animation! Could use some movement, but what the hell, CELEBRATE!

your flash rules

Your first flash IM SO PROUD.


Well, things are going to be a lot more interesting won't they?
I suppose starting with a fan-fic will help you become experienced though I personally would do something that's just not your best work, we've seen it before but it's technically original, but that's just me.
I haven't seen ANYTHING involving TWEWY at all so you're good there (JOSHUA FTW!)

I have a feeling you're going to do good with this, just be calm and work as hard as you can, you'll be great.

I KNOW right?! Not enough TWEWY i love sho minamimoto adjhmfkjajskdnndk

I'm trying to come up with something that'd happen in TWEWY, but not, a la Another Day, before hopping right to it! I wanna do something fun to really make the TWEWY fans happy!

Awesome flash! I 5'ed it, btw! ;)

It was good and all, but your bubbles looked a bit off. You should ask Dex for tips, for he is the best bubble drawist in all the land.

Oh man, Dex is indeed the best bubble drawist in the land my bubbles will never get that good

Great job getting started on Flash stuff. Best of luck with it all.