Thought Dump
I wanna play Grim Grimoire. I'm terrified of RTS's because of massively failing at StarCraft, but I watched a playthrough and I love the voice acting! Advocat is the most awesome character in the entire game and he totally stole the limelight for me. I also gotta play Odin Sphere and Persona 4 when I can...
I have a formspring. I always had it, but didn't feel like sharing it too much.
RE: Professional Pursuits - Internship
The last day of my internship is today. The postproduction studio I do/did marketing/research/distribution-stuffs for is Cinema Libre Studio. The films I work/ed on are South of the Border, Fuel, Youth Knows No Pain, The End of Poverty, and El Superstar. Loootttss of documentaries! My favorite one is Fuel.
I learned a lot during my April - July-ish there, mainly since I technically never worked a day in my life before then. If you thought I was nuts in finding contacts and networking, this internship taught me how to be even more insane in digging up contact information.
Since I have school in the summer (a photoshop/flash class), I'm gonna take a break from working for a while until my schedule is much more free. I was kinda suicidal to take on an internship on top of being a full-time student, so I don't plan on doing THAT again! I look forward to the next internship opportunity though~
RE: Professional Pursuits - Voice Acting
You KNOW you're ready to replace your "demo" if you're embarrassed of posting it up. Thank goodness I have more time to work on my demo once my internship ends, but that means I'll have to prioritize my demo before lines for producers if I want to have a good one that'll help me get more professional opportunities. For the past year, lines-before-demo priority happened a lot (and obviously, still no demo to this day), so I feel it's about time that I stop being a pushover and actually say "no" to more things.
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In other news, I'll be attending Anime Expo this year!
I will also be participating in AX Idol, that singing/voice acting competition that's more like an auditioning opportunity than a "chance of the lifetime". While there've been questionable finalists in the past ("How did S/HE make it into finals!?" moments), a LOT of NG members were pretty tough contenders (Tomamoto and Princess Aurora to name a few), making it into finals (Egoraptor ['08]), or even winning (Rina-chan ['07], Cerise Panda ['08], and Sonicmega ['09]), so I hope to keep up this mini-tradition of Newgrounds voiceovers being a force to be reckoned with~
My monologue for the audition round features Soifon from Bleach~ She's one of the few characters I like in that series-that-I-stopped-watching-after-R ukia-got-rescued. It just occurred to me: I think the majority of folks who know Bleach only watched/read that far.
i watched bleach for 3 seconds, so bad
I only read the manga and had to watch some of the anime to get a monologue since transcribing manga doesn't count/may get you disqualified. By golly, I couldn't stand the show either because of the wonky pacing! The "fight" would only last for so long and if anything it was slowed down, whereas the talking parts as-the-camera-pans-across-a-lands cape are LONG. It doesn't help that most shonen series feature characters that talk more than dish out action.