Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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2,865 / 3,210
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Voice Acting: Behind the Scenes! - PART 2 + Necropolis Cameo, haha~

Posted by Hnilmik - June 13th, 2010

Page stretching will be inevitable because of YouTube videos.

xx; Still drowning in voice acting requests and it's taking a while to get through them because different projects require different amounts of lines, I'm currently interning at a post-production studio (in marketing), will start my summer course in multimedia tomorrow (learnin' my Photoshop and Flash like a bauss, baby!), and I'm trying to have a life so people stop giving me weird looks when my hobbies (like voice acting) sound more like jobs!

I'm currently finishing up Bioshock 2 (amazing voice acting, if it wasn't already obvious) and at the time of this post, in the 2nd case of the Miles Edgeworth game~

/* */
(Brb, breaking Rapture.)

If I somehow forgot that I owe you lines, email me. PM's are hard to keep track of when I use 4+ different places to hunt for voice acting opportunities...

Voice Acting: Behind the Scenes! - PART 2

...Which brings me to PART 2 of this li'l thingummy! On top of hunting for voice acting opportunities (auditions), I'm pretty decent at promoting my voice acting (enough to get overwhelmed by voice acting requests and ironically, also enough to get overlooked). On the VAC, I wrote a handy-dandy guide about promoting your voice acting services online for further explanation, should you like to read further into that. After giving that a look-see, you'll quickly understand why I need to get my voice acting demo done (that I can be pleased with), so I can have an even easier time marketing myself beyond posting up a certain voice acting clip reel from my YouTube that economizes my "resume" more than showing off my real range.*

Now for the real behind the scenes stuff. Last post, you heard how I can voice act and switch between voices/characters no problem; That takes a lot of practice, by the way. Time to actually see how I perform; This takes a lot of practice too, in which I'll describe/explain.

This is a video of me recording for Matt Wilson's upcoming animation. The auditions are currently closed and he's reviewing the entrants, so I don't know if the below performance got me any roles.

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(Further proof that I'm Asian.)

I will say though, for those who may not notice these things:

1 - THIS is what energetic looks like and trust me, I can go even crazier. So if you think you're crazy enough to voice for crazy things but sound like an unenthused stoner in your Egoraptor impersonations (the phrase "METAL GEEEAAAARR" comes to mind), odds are that you forgot that voice acting is acting with the challenge of portraying it solely through your voice... It's not all voice 'cause you need to act and when you act, it has to be heard and as you can see, a lot has to be done for my acting to be heard.

=P Ego knows how to act, so try imagining how bonkers he looks when he bounces off the walls.

2 - Ego has been voice acting for, what, 10 years now? And I've been acting for 2.5 years, so in my inexperience, you can "hear my acting" (and even see it), which is... Not always good, since the point behind acting is to make people believe that you're not acting. That's why this psycho performance isn't all there is to voice acting (and creepily enough, there's such thing as even more convincing psychotic-ness).

From a critical standpoint, you can't substitute volume (like screaming) for intensity (power, influence) and judging by the several times where I voiced "serious" characters, I've always had a hard time voicing them since... Well... How can you be serious without being boring/monotone? It's "easy" to be insane, but INCREDIBLY hard to be anywhere near as bad-ass as the calm, collected bad-asses you hear in cartoons and video games (that's why it's easy to pick out the posers doing bad impressions).

Fortunately, I have friends who know how it works. When Ego was directing me for Puzzmosis in early February (if you don't think Ego can do serious roles, listen to something good he did in 2007), a producer friend broke things down for me, 2 professional voice actors/directors pushed my limits, 1 voice acting peer broke things down even further, and D-Mac decided to test a hypothesis last week, I started improving my acting on another level and this is what happened.

/* */
Yep, it took a LOT of mental mashing until I managed to pull THIS off. If I kept your interest throughout that whole thing, I'm on to something. Heck, try and listen to that WITHOUT seeing it. If I kept your attention during THAT, I think I'm on the right track with the right train for once.

I intend to separate myself even more from the pack as a competent voice actress on the Interwebz, sooo... If you hear any unenthused stoner/monotone voice actresses out there, that's because they didn't figure these things out yet.

=P And if they're reading this, I do look forward to them figuring these things out. The world can benefit from more good voice acting and I'm sure if they know what they're doing, they'll be improving in leaps and bounds in no time.


*This thing.

/* */
Maybe between lines I owe, my job, and my class, I'll work on my demo with some help from my buddies (in both the directing and sound-editing fronts).

Although I didn't voice for //Necropolis Synergy, I (more like my character) made a mini-cameo in it! I am suh-neaky!

(YungJazz drew her much prettier than I did, that's for sure.)

o_o; And apparently, I'm THAT hardcore about popping up everywhere without people noticing.

Voice Acting: Behind the Scenes! - PART 2 + Necropolis Cameo, haha~


your nice


Cool stuff, good to see someone taking voice acting seriously

o_o; Sometimes too seriously... Oy.

Cool that you're learning flash now so you can demand lines from OTHER people for once. :3

I guess, but it wouldn't be the first time I wanted lines from people!

YungJazz made the character more blacker than what you made!

Yep! But she still looks prettier when he drew her!

And she's eating a...burrito?

XD Yeeeaaaaahh, that burrito~

Wow your taking this seriously ...thats pretty Awesome.

Your very good, and you have a unique voice ...I quite like it. (brittish accent)

I liked "I'll write your paper" ...that was a very strong women type of role you performed it ...pretty DAM good actually. You were tired I guess but you should try to remember that your not just acting out the words on paper, your talking to someone in front of you. "Imaginaaaation"

LOL when I get tired ...I just get crazy stupid wild and then drop! its quite funny actually.

I would seriously be an actor if I could hold some kind of decent composure. I would like to do improv though -thats fun! Your good at that too "Do you know how important I am to you ...I'm ASIAN!" LOL. Only now do I realize how good you were for that role. Next year ...fersher.

Anyhow Good luck with everything and remember. . .in the immortal words of Jimmy Neutrons Dad - "Haaave fun with it!"

Improv is a great skill to have~ I wanna take improv classes so I can think/act even faster!

And I look forward to next year!

I keep seeing people with the funny boxes for their microphones.. Is it to absorb vibration, echo or ambient sound? What's the deal?

My makeshift porta-booth reduces room echo~ My room is pretty spacious, so it echoes unnecessarily whenever I speak loudly and especially when I'm screaming/yelling. The acoustics of my room sucks because it also has a lot of reflective surfaces, especially around my desk, so while a bathroom would be a great sized room to voice act in, there're too many sound-bouncing surfaces that'll make recordings sound weird.

Some people are lucky that their rooms are small and/or soft and others resort to other means to "muffle" their sound issues, like recording under a blanket (which presents other kinds of acting challenges). Lots of people, including Ego, record their lines in their closet (but my closet has no room for me or my stuff to fit in it).

I'll upload a sound comparison sometime after Puzzmosis gets released since my auditions and the final recordings were done in a variety of different settings~

1st audition - No booth; Lots of echo; Meh acting
2nd audition (redos) - Booth; Less echo; Workable acting
Recording w/ Ego's setup - Booth (closet); Clean recordings; Much better acting after direction

Oh cool, you did the Puzzmosis voice? Nice. I've only seen bits and pieces of graphics that Ego has sent me. Can't wait to finally play it. Also I should add you look super familiar, did we briefly meet at AX last year?

Yep! I voice for Osma and I can't wait to play it too!

And I sure did meet you at AX last year! I cosplayed as a BLU Scout.
This one!
http://thedarkwolf.deviantart.com /art/TF2-Cosplay-AX2009-129910909