Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Voice Actin' on the DL, yo foshizzle ma rizzle word G /poser

Posted by Hnilmik - January 29th, 2010

RE: Professional Pursuits - Internships

University is trying to kill me. More than usual. I won't be accepting too many roles for a while until things are sorted out. Those things aside, I've been internship hunting and it just occurred to me that despite my screenwriting major and my ability to do coverage alright, all that will be ignored on my resume and the interview itself if I so much as mention anything about voice acting. Why?

Imagine: Being a douche and interning JUST to "make connections" and "use a back door" to do voices. That shit doesn't fly.

So... Looks like I'll be needing to rethink how to approach these internships. One studio called me back, but likely won't after learning that I'm a voiceover. I'll keep my voice acting identity on the down-low from now on, like my friends who managed to intern at Cartoon Network. Trust me, the interviewer found that they did voice acting and my friends were lucky they made it in by saying that they weren't interested in doing any of that at CN.

(CN is union, so they wouldn't be able to touch stuff like that anyhow. Me too.)

RE: Professional Pursuits - Voice Acting

/* */
Like hell anyone was gonna click on a link to listen to my defunct AVA 2009 demo anyhow, so I slapped together a bunch of clips of roles I've played... Including roles I'll betcha anything that you didn't know it was me at the time. I'm very fortunate to find folks who ripped flashes from NG to upload on YouTube for me to in turn rip from and use for this reel. I feel a bit guilty, but mostly fortunate since the flash roles are more fun and I couldn't figure out how to convert all that quality from .swf itself into a cut-up-able format anyhow.

It's funny how I keep talking about professional pursuits and keep posting all the Internet stuff! Don't worry, I'm just showing you guys my progress, like the Wooshii.com commercial, talking about the indie games I'm working on--Y'know, if I get cast for an iPhone game I auditioned for, I'll show you guys that when the developers decide to release more videos. I'm working my way up, yo, 'cause the majority of my cooler roles were obtained through auditions more than scouting.

(Few pump my name, but I don't mind too much since it feels good to earn the roles you worked to deserve!)

I auditioned live for Chi-Chi in Team Four Star's Dragon Ball Z abridged, for instance.
(Though, I will admit that I thank Antfish for the opportunity 'cause I really am not popular--I just work hard and get around a lot!)

/* */
I like how the more I work with producers who are REALLY good, the better I get since they push my limits and you KNOW for SURE that they're gonna go pro someday (or ARE pro). Can't wait 'til I can actually say who I'm working with~

Art Hunt

The collection grows gradually...

And people are suggesting that I market myself as a crazy person. Hmmmmmm... Okay, that sure beats out the "FFFFFFFFFFFF--!" choice. I'm more of a wannabe gangsta than a real one (I'm even cast as a wannabe gangsta in an indie game!), but I like vibe of confidence and taking charge... I'm tempted to pitch the idea of "dominant" as the word to use (for bossy-ness), but that'll give people weird ideas.


lol oh my god thats hilarious, i thought the dbz abridged was canceled because the last episode i watch was when vegeta escape and the napa ghost buster theme song pops up.

Congrats "miss Osuma" ;D

cant wait to play the game!


Thankoo~! ::huggles::


Hnilmik is a pretty cool girl, she does voice acting and doesnt afraid of anything


hey was wondering if you play tf2 will kal?
we should scrim some time, im always playing with that joker lol


;_; I've been waaaaayyyy too busy to play much TF2 lately... It'd be nice to sometime though!