Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

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2,865 / 3,210
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"Two Minutes of Terror EP3" & a Voice Actress with a Plan...

Posted by Hnilmik - October 13th, 2009

Two Minutes of Terror EP3 got released today~

[EDIT 10/30] Front Page Feature - I actually didn't expect that; A link and a button, perhaps, BUT A BANNER?! HUH.[/EDIT]

And coincidentally, on the same day Resident Evil SARS PT 3 got released, another project I voiced for a year ago-That chirpy, intentionally annoying Rebecca Chambers? Yeah, that's me. That project was the 14th project I voiced for. Two Minutes of Terror EP3 is my 68th. Whoooaaaa...

I also voice for the Sentry in this machinima, which was released very recently~

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Hnilmik's AVA Character Demo 2009

Next year, I'm not gonna have a "project quota"--No more "must have 1-2 releases per month" craziness. Yeah, I've been at this for 2 years now and have voiced for a handful of professionally produced projects, which is not bad and even quicker than most, but... I take pride in being productive and would like to use that productivity in more professional pursuits.

Of course I'm still gonna voice for online projects (especially since a LOT of online projects are awesome), but it's about time I measured my progress more qualitatively than quantitatively.

Goals & Deadlines:
-- Have a professionally produced demo this winter (time limit: 2-3 months)
-- Have a better foot in the door in terms of voicing for professional projects BEFORE Anime Expo 2010 (time limit: 7-9 months)
-- Attend 3-4 different voice acting classes/workshops/consultations/what-h ave-you to further improve my skills

A glimpse of how I approach auditions and voicing for online projects in general...

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FAQ: "How many/What classes have you taken?"
ANSWER: "Around 4 voice acting-centered classes, 2-3 acting classes, 2 speech classes, + all kinds of miscellaneous classes like writing and psychology classes to better get into the heads of the characters I play." (at the time the video was released)

-- PERHAPS intern at an animation studio next year; I can think of 2-3 places that accept them
-- Have a site to further promote my voice acting work
-- Commission a bunch of artists to produce awesome me-art so I can use to promote my work (site, business cards, banners...)

Many thanks to Muu-Muu for the artwork I'm currently using~

I'm in university right now. To meet these goals, I may unfortunately have to turn down or miss some great voice acting opportunities...

"Two Minutes of Terror EP3" & a Voice Actress with a Plan...


Professionals have standards. Be polite, be efficient, have a plan to--uh, to do awesome things with your future!

I think what you have done, what you do, and what you plan to do are awesome beyond measure. Keep it up!

This is rather interesting, and I enjoy your voice work.

It's better than a lot of stuff on here.

OMFG TWO MINUTES OF TERROR SUCKED ASS! i was expecting more blood and gore but the "lil life gaurd" gets eaten by a plant thats kinda cool BUT! i could think of much better how about the little ones zoom past her cutting her and when she fell in the hole why not her leg landed on a spike?!

Might fine work miss. Hope all goes well.

I definitely enjoyed the work you did on Two Minutes of Terror. There was definitely a good buildup of suspense. Not seeing the other episodes first, I had no idea it was gonna end the way it did. Like a wrong turn in a Silent Hill game.

I'm also liking your audio samples. You're definitely giving it your all there. Keep perservering, and your plan WILL come together. You've made a fan out of me. :)

@TheKennyBoy - Go spout your crap elsewhere. Your story idea is NOT any better. Leg through a spike + trapped underground = 'Oh crap. She's dead. THE END!' Or is she supposed to try escaping with a gaping hole in her leg?

Eh, to each their own opinion. I, personally, liked the writing and loved where the direction went. I was jumpier than I usually was, so I actually jumped, probably every time you wanted your audience to jump. Congrats on doing that. Although you thanked Ryukishi07 for your inspiration, I think if you actually did follow TheKennyBoy, then you would have a closer feeling of horror, as opposed to the scare tactics, that he uses.

I wrote more than I thought I'd write o.o especially when I wanted to comment on your voice acting. I loved it! I loved listening to the audio samplers of your FAILURES! Sheesh, I have to say that I envy you. I really wonder what kind of variety I can put into my own voice. I'm currently taking a vocal training class, but I've never tried doing voice acting. It seems like it would be a fun little side project to try, but I doubt I'd want to do it professionally. I really should practice more, though, because I tend to stick with higher-pitched voices. Saying you can sound like elmo, a puppy/seagull/kitten, or a convincing stereotypical English dubbed anime girl (last one is a hit-or-miss, depending on my audience, who usually looks at me) while being male is kind of awkward . . . but it's more comfortable for me, I guess. If you have any pointers or any past experiences that have helped you, may I ask about them to gain this knowledge? ^-^

Hopefully, you'll get more lines as a sentry, but it's neat overall that you gave it a voice.

What happened to this series and why are they deleted?