Sweetness~ I voiced for Zoey and was looking forward to this being released all week 'cause I had SOOOOOOOOOOOO much fun recording for it~ A couple of friends in the cast were the same way~
It got Daily Feature (02/13/09) and people are hoping for a front page too, which is pretty neato~
[EDIT 1]: Front Paged 2/14/09
[EDIT 2]: Weekly 3rd Place 2/18/09
[EDIT 3]: 4th Best of All Time 2/22/09
I like being entertained. Since I'm not an animator (and I don't try TOO hard to find something I don't like), I'm not one to start concocting conspiracy theories when stuff doesn't conform to my expectations. Meeting them or exceeding them is top marks, but I overall take things as they are and happen to like being pleasantly surprised. If I do happen to notice stuff to start off my nit-picky side (like sound quality and how to make something look better), I'll point them out for the sake of constructive criticism. Flying off the handle 'cause it's like or not like so-and-so? Best save the braincells for something more productive.
Me, I'm beginning to think that people are kinda type-casting me by my natural voice (which ain't as cute, sexy, or even as feminine as most great VA's I know who are getting around). My voice is just deeper than usual and somewhat obnoxious--Which is great for several things, but not everything. Good thing I'm working on my range~
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...I really, REALLY need to sit down and put together a proper demo reel. My range likely expanded even more since this video (November 2008).
::twiddles thumbs for some other cool projects to be released::
There are allot of voice actress. With some practice...you can do really well here on NG.
Though I feel that Rina Chan does the better Princess Peach...I have to say your voices of Zelda was probably your strongest one.
But don't just limit yourself to the basic such as female voices and little boys.
If you REALLY want to get good...take some time to observe the unique voices on cartoon shows.
Penny - from Inspector Gadget has a sorta raspy voice yet feminine.
Truffles - from Chowder is voiced by a woman. (can you sound like an old lady?)
Mandy/Yumi - from Cartoon Network. A very heavy voice.
A person's voice acting is like singing...there is levels of tone, and sound one can achieve through imitating what you see on TV.
So far...I am able to imitate 50 voices perfectly ranging from voices such as Mickey Mouse to famous actors such as Christopher Walkens.
XD I get type-cast as Zelda all the time in Brawl machinimas, so I appreciate your insight~
2008 was my first year of VAing, so I do look forward to trying out more stuff and those opportunities are usually whenever I try out for something I don't usually do and get cast. Trying out new voices can be done on my own time, but only through actual acting will the performance "count".
I can sound like two kinds of old ladies (sweet is too easy to pull off, any girl can pull it off; "TF2 announcer"/Wilhelmina Slater is much more fun). I'm working on texture on the side 'cause I'm currently strengthening placement. I still need more formal training in terms of singing, but I'm strengthening my voice while working on placement.
You bet drawing inspiration from talented VA's can do wonders~ There's imitation, then there's trying-to-imitate-then-making-it-
your-own, which is made of ten flavors of awesome sauce if you ask me. Not a day goes by where I don't try TF2 or Sho Minamimoto quotes. I'm a complete dork for doing it, but it greatly improves range.
Dude. Now I really gotta hear what you got.