Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.86 votes
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A New Year Ahead for This Voice Actress~

Posted by Hnilmik - January 11th, 2009

Ah, 2009. 2008 was a busy first year of VAing and I have to say, 27 roles ain't bad for someone starting out. Lots of radioplay extra characters, lots of flashes where my head got obliterated, lots of Brawl machinimas where I star as Zelda... College will be starting tomorrow and that means I'll be needing a new approach to this voice acting thing. Will be needing more time and more cool stuff to try out for, to be specific.

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The first released project I'm in this year? Shippiddge's "Quite a Lot - The Crate" short as Peach. I'm also a main character who'll be making her appearance in the next Smashtasm episode (which won't be out until it's out). Looking forward to the release since Omahdon (Grant and Gront) and D-Mac (Narrator) cracked me up so much in the last episode and the shorts~


do voice actors get together on projects

or do voice actors help other voice actors find work

I ask for the benefit of a friend of mine

her Newgrounds profile is this address <a href="http://kitala.newgrounds.com/">http://kitala.newgrounds.com/</a>

maybe you can form a "Voice Actors Union"

I don't know, I am not familiar with that line of work

I'm pretty shy when it comes to frequenting the NG forums, so I try out for flashes on Rina-chan's Voice Acting Club. Nice ol' forum where the auditions are organized and whatnot, not to mention lots of other voiceovers to chat with. I sometimes check out the Voice Acting Alliance, but there're more "original visual projects" at the VAC.

=P If you need another girl VA so your friend isn't talking to herself, you can always ring me up for something.


Well hello to you too~

Oh, the latest script has gotta be one of the funniest things I've -ever- read through. Can't wait to see it finished, and looking forward to hearing you as Princess H as well! Late congrats on landing the role!

And I've got no doubt Edwyn's gonna deliver some really zany stuff again. Heck, he adlibbed the entire "Grant is aroused" bit.

...the jerk.

Thankoo~ And by the looks of it, Shipp is making pretty good progress with the next episode~ Which means... SOOOOONN!! IT'S COMING OUT SOOOOONN!! YAAAAAYY!!

o_o; I have to say, he comes up with the silliest stuff alright... And if he made up the whole "Grant is aroused" part... By golly, I wonder where he gets all that spontaneity!

that was hilarious and as usual your voice acting is awesome