Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.86 votes
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That RP site looks interesting, I might join it! :P


XD I'm sure they'd love a bunch of new faces, so I'm curious as to how they'll take a possible influx of members.

I think Superhero's could work if you could find a new approach to it. Finding a new approach is not all that easy tho. I remember I thought I had a great idea for a Gerkinman film, but then Hancock came out which was similar, at the beginning before it became about Angels and shit at least. Point is, if you can find a new way to represent the genre, then your doing well.

It makes me wanna think about all of the superhero films that made it to theatres within the last decade. Christopher Nolan's take on Batman seems different from Spiderman, Iron Man, Kick Ass, Watchmen, and Green Hornet and many other super hero movies I haven't seen yet, unless I'm mistaken.

xx; And yet, I haven't seen the majority of the superhero films out there, including the ones I mentioned ('cept for Batman and Spiderman), because I feel as if most of them are the same. I KNOW they aren't, but it's the "overdone" feeling that pushes me away!


xP If it'll make you feel better, I haven't seen Hancock either, so if you make your story, the concept'll definitely be fresh for me!

I know the feeling of wanting to write something, but being bothered by how saturated the 'market' is for that subject. I had a Vampire related story I wanted to flesh out, but that was right around the time someone dropped that Twilight crap on us, so that's on hold for a few more years.

The outline you have for your own superhero short sounds interesting to me. What is over done now days is the classic superhero movie that involves one or two characters gaining their powers, learning to use them, abusing them (and learning their lesson) and then fighting one bad guy. Roll credits, hint at trilogy, sell sell sell.

As long as what you have in mind is fresh (which from the sound of it, it is), have at it!

And in response to PPS: The power to jam cell phones... with my mind, so its legal. DAMN can those things be annoying!

;P That ain't the outline to my script.

And even if it was, I only have 30-40 minutes to tell the story and I chose to write a film (3 ACTs), not the pilot to a sitcom (2 ACTS; you don't see the conclusion of the episode).

And my story has an end. I have no plans on making a series for the super hero story. If my shelved Bioshock series works as a hint, I cringe at writing a series I don't see the end of.

Damn, I felt dirty reading "hint at trilogy"...

PS: inb4 "Sky High" re: your approach

i dont think any one cared.

Your question on superheroes reminds me of the whole video game parody situation as of late. On one hand, it's been done so many times to the point that even I am starting to get sick of it due to certain flash made in 2008; while on the other, there is plenty of material that is either underused or hasn't been done. (Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean for the Super NES are just two examples.) As for actual super powers, I'd take being biomechanically engineered and given a suit of armor with built in weapons with a collapsable, dual-bladed sword. Of course, I saw Azureus Rising's trailer and thought "Hey, this is similar to my concept in a few ways." However, would it be fair to accuse the makers of that trailer of copying off of me and vice versa?


totodile luvdisc; dragonite raichu

Come at me. Come at me now!