Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.86 votes
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Pata pata pata PON!

She'd win a tank award just for that trailer.

x) I <3 my amazing friend!

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Plese convince her to submit it to Newgrounds!!!!!

I'll try to! I'm not sure how she'll be able to turn it into a flash, since she and her crew animated it using something else, but we'll figure something out!

Everyday, I talk to myself, yell at myself, and sing to myself. But it's not practice to me. It's how I live my life everyday. To keep my day from being boring.

My neighbors probably hate me for it, but hey. Good practice!

Nice. And that's pretty much the point you get to after doing it so much--It doesn't feel like practice anymore!



your microphone looks expensive...
is that the best for what one would need for near pro quality recording?
god knows i can't record any loud bits without the reverb hitting the walls of my house =P

It actually isn't the best and not as expensive as you think, haha. I know people with even better setups, so I just use what works until I can afford something better.

My reasoning is: "Do you think the greatest athletes in the world waited until they had uber equipment before becoming awesome? They made the most of anything they had and just moved up to better and better things!"

;D As for reverb, I get typecast for SCREAMING, so that handy-dandy box is meant to minimize that cavernous room echo. You can even hear the difference in sound quality between the camera-recorded audio and the microphone recorded audio.

btw forgot to mention it but your friend's fluid like frame work is incredible!
i love the soft shading colors as well works nicely.


My bestest best best friend in the whole wide world is amazing~ She always was bauss at soft colors while my colors rape people's eyes!

8D She's the water/air bender to my fire/earth bender!

So glad you enjoyed it!

All she has to do is turn it into an .SWF. If she used ToonBoom like I think she did, than it does have .swf as an export option. There's also the possibility of turning it into a video format that flash can edit, import it into a trial version of flash, and export it as swf.

Give her a high five for me if she used toonboom.

Odds are that she and her crew did use ToonBoom, so I'll check up with her if she'd like to post it on NG!

::gives her awesome-tastic friend a hi5 for ya::

I was also wondering about the button-making (play/replay) and perhaps ad revenue coding stuffs, but I think they definitely know more about flash than I do for it to not be a problem~

Heee~ Thanks!

Man, the delivery on that last line was perfect where you say, "we can do tripples." It just popped out for me and seemed super animated. Nice work. :)

I like how that line turned out too~ I think there's another way to go about it as well, to play with it more, but I just like how "pop" this sounds to be nitpicky!

Thankoo~! ::huggles~::

I love the crap on top of your buff box, crushing it slowly.

[Box]: Dx "~!!?"

Merry Christmas!