Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.86 votes
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oh so cool! :)


::stabs her midterms::

Still lol-ing at those SNI clips, I'll never look at MvC2 the same again heh. I hope you get over that cough soon, those things are a pain; I've been out of action for weeks because my lungs couldn't stop deciding to assassinate my ribcage...o<a href="http://www..">www..</a>.

Thanks for making note of the starving artist nature of voice acting. I don' think that a lot of people who are first starting out with stars in their eyes, realize its level of difficulty and the fact that you wont immediately start out with bags-o-money (even if the project is a big success). So good on you for balancing a "fun career" choice with a stable (I'm not sure if that's the word I'm looking for) career choice.

Also, I've got to say that project vid you showed, Letters to Father, that looks freakin' nice. Loving the colours on it all.

Anyways, all the best to ya Hnil!

::hugsh hugsh hugsh Shocky~::

;_; I missed a LOT of amazing opportunities because of being sick, so I feel for ya... Lots of projects I WAS working on before getting sick are hella delayed (like SNI).

I'm incredibly lucky that the producers I've kept in touch with for years (like Mayshing and Scott, mentioned above) are still willing to cast me and are patient enough to wait for my sickness to pass before making me record!

Many love-loves to kind producers who understand that our voices need to be clean before recording for their neato projects!

And to my super-secret producers, I <3 you guys too for being patient with my sickness~ I'm still interested--Just sick~

Yay, didn't realize you had a NG account. Makes me feel bad at the lack of lines for you early on in my series. Though I have the remaining season scripts to send out and I feel better knowing that your character actually has an abundance of lines. I just felt bad since your talents weren't utilized in any of the scripts yet. I make up for it though soon!

I was hanging out with Lioncourt when he was in NY over the summer with Matt and Lucien. I actually scouted Lioncourt and he'll be in my series, not the upcoming episode but the following ^^.


I hope you feel better soon. It seems like whenever we've been in touch you're always sick =/

::hugsh hugsh~::

LIONCOURT LIVES!! And that's soooo cool that you got to hang with them!

And yeah, I need to take better care of myself. It's not good to be constantly sick!

Damn, I fell for it! >:(

I was pretty surprised Apatheria hadn't been in any flashes before I started that project. No doubt he'll be in many more to come. :D
This is a nicely organized journal entry! Also, I hope this helps with your coughing problem. Try a few of these methods; <a href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/211757/some_tips_to_stop_that_annoying_persistent.html">http://www.associatedcontent.com/arti cle/211757/some_tips_to_stop_that_ann oying_persistent.html</a>

Yaaayy for Appa!

And thankoo for the link~ This oughta help me bunches! ::hugushibushu's~::

The fucking hell is it with you people and hormones? Thank god I'm getting rid of mine soon enough.

hubba hubba

do pestilence project's lines ya dummy

I'm currently not working on anything of his, though I really, really wanna work on the one he's doing now.

>_x; I just worried that my turnaround isn't quick enough because while I'm working on a couple projects, I'm not actually /working/ on them because of sickness and university.

u should change ur picture to a picture of the inside of ur asshole then put something funny over it like i dont give a shit

o u so funni

a laugh a minute! a riot!

Those facts aren't fun

Fun Fact!: Those facts aren't fun.


I have seen the light.

i can't think of anything witty to say...

so l8s

Oh dude, Mayshing graduated from my school last year, I remember that film. Were you in that?

Nope. I'm working on her other project, E-Depth Angel, though!

heheh boobs hehehh post again

i love u

i will find u and kill u and rape ur dead body

i will ride u bare back

i will kill everyone u care about than u

i just got a boner... And don't you even try to ignore me!

I tried to ignore you.

It was challenging.

i still have some lines for you! but chances are i'm not gonna be making said flash until early next year cuz my next 3 are all music videos

Definitely looking forward to working on it! If you like and there're no more revisions to be made, you can send me the lines whenever so I can get cracking on them the moment I'm available. The next semester (spring) should be my last-ish, so perfect timing too!

Plus, I <3 your music videos~

I'm a bad influence apparently. You're welcome, everyone else.


Don't feel bad! Me coming off as rude, crude, and all those other things because of the things I work on are an occupational hazard, so I know what I'm getting into~

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