Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.86 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


OH, they can, you'r right!

I know exactly what you're talking about. I don't actively voice act, but I can always pick out the sucky voice acting jobs. I used to love drama, so if I were to fall into a category, it'd be the emphasis in acting, my range is really short because I have a bit of a deep voice. I always piss of my friends when they voice act for me because I make them do so many takes. XD

Requesting retakes to get the BEST take is AWESOME. Good gawd, I love doing retakes because I get a better idea of what the producer wants so I can fine tune my performance for them!

Hey there long time no see :D

;_; I felt like reading an essay xD, but yeah, you have a point and as far as I've known you have been always been a kickass VA ;D

See you around!

Haha, my main mode of income at the moment IS writing essays for scholarships.

I gotta keep my writing chops up if I want to afford my education.

who cares

that was actually quite eye opening about certain chalenges/issues voice actors should have in mind

you are one of the few people in this site that understand screaming into your microphone is not voice acting

I still wish you luck on your voice acting carrer hnilmik! I´ll be sure to call you if I need a voice for a female character in a future cartoon (altough I dont think I´ve ever had a female character in any of them so far)

I scream into my mic all the time because that's what I get typecast for, so to voice for more neato and challenging stuff, I gotta know everything else inside and out!

Compared to a lot of the great VA's on NG, I'm one of the more book-smart ones evident by the "Look at the wonderful world of voice acting!" kind of blog posts I make. It's how I was able to improve, so I figured it'd help other folks who were interested in voice acting but don't know what they're getting into!

Meanwhile, most of the awesome NG-based talent are primarily street-smart in the acting department (they didn't have to major or take too many classes in acting to know what they're doing; most of them are guys too) and I figured it wouldn't hurt to shed some light on them since I bet people generally think of them when they hear "Newgrounds" and "voice actor" in the same sentence.


I've never voice acted for anything, but I can hear bad voice acting a mile away.

ever seen the voice acting in the game :
"Dawn of war: soulstorm" dear god that game was SO bad already (all the Expantions before that were god's other 2 sons.)

anyways, the voice acting will tear your eye out, unless you watch a remix or something
(referance to the youtube video: "SPEHSS MAREENS! WE'VE PHAILED TEH EMPRAH!!")