^---lol trollin
anyways its great to see such awesomness between voiceactors.
they are what put the soul into characters themselves.
good luck :D
Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!
Age 35, Female
Voice Actress
Southern CA, USA
Joined on 6/2/08
^---lol trollin
anyways its great to see such awesomness between voiceactors.
they are what put the soul into characters themselves.
good luck :D
I know, right? If you think us online voice actors are awesome, you should see how pros work! It's AWESOME!scary how it's like the characters are possessing their bodies the same way their voices form the characters they play on the screen!
shut up
just shut up
you had me at hello
you had me at hello
8| Oh...
=D Ready!
I swear I see VidGameDudes pussy ass on every gay journal entry calling someone a troll
He sure does get around, doesn't he?
I'd probably be a swell voice actor....I just need to get a better microphone...how much do those usually cost?
As long as you know how to act, you sure can be a swell voice actor!
My mic cost around $75-ish, if I recall, but I know people who can miraculously rock a Logitech desk mic. Sound quality tends to vary from person to person based on a variety of aspects.
You're goin places Kimlinh don't you worry bout no lame throat wiggling competition hear me
::hugsh hugsh::
There I am.. Chillin'.
Glad I got to watch the whole competition, it was great. Lot of talented people, most of which are from the NG scene. Good to know.
It was awesome meeting you again! This year was pretty cool, the best AX Idol I got to participate in evar 'cause there were indeed a lot of talented entrants!
Awesome to hear you're learning to animate! Can't wait to see wha'cha got cookin'. B)
It's not much, but I look forward to the final product too!
Thanks for the support~
YOUR HAVING SO MUCH FUN! You have now inspired me to travel around the world! VAMPIRE!? I WANNA SEE :D! Also, animating sucks unless you have good drawing skills and a good flash animator to make it...sorta look like the movies in the front page. But it doesn't really matter how detailed it looks right?...right? Anyways, it seems like you go everywhere, but it also looks like you in the same state the whole time! Have fun!
Also, in your audition video (the second one) it looks like your right hand was clenched almost the whole time XD
XD I didn't realize that it was clenched the whole time either!
Okay I just wanna say your performance was Fan-flippin-tastic!
I feel ya on the prioritizing and money part. I SUCK at prioritizing. and GODAM MONEY always stopin me from doin crap!
and listen to Ego ...I'm not gonna I lie I used to think he was a D-Bag but. I've changed my mind ...I realize he does alot for his fans Uno?
Glad to know that you liked it!
@@; My priorities shifted from "voice act for free" to "HO CRAP I NEED MONEY FOR CAR REPAIRS AND UNIVERSITY CLASSES". I'll still voice for free, especially for the lines I currently owe, but... I have a life!
And Ego is a really nice guy alright~<3
I read all that for you
::heart-hands at~:: <3
i have read it all. and i laughed at voice acting tht was funny
::heart-hands at!:: <3
And I'm glad I entertained ya!
How about you don't go? Save yourself some dignity.
;D I already went to Anime Expo, thanks for checking, and I think all the better voice acting folks are the ones who know that their dignity will go bye bye the moment they're willing to look as weird as they want while doing their thing~<3