Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
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Vote Power:
5.86 votes
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i watched bleach for 3 seconds, so bad

I only read the manga and had to watch some of the anime to get a monologue since transcribing manga doesn't count/may get you disqualified. By golly, I couldn't stand the show either because of the wonky pacing! The "fight" would only last for so long and if anything it was slowed down, whereas the talking parts as-the-camera-pans-across-a-lands cape are LONG. It doesn't help that most shonen series feature characters that talk more than dish out action.

aren't you too old for some chinese cartoons ?

;D Nope! And considering how a lot of cartoons are outsourced to foreign animators, including American ones, I think lots of people aren't too old for Chinese/Korean/Japanese/whatever cartoons either!

I forgot what episode I was on last time I watched Bleach, so now I have NO IDEA where to start back on :P I've been hearing about AX idol, unfortunatly I don't think I live anywhere near it lol. I know someone who's also entering it :D hope you do well in it :)

Likewise, except for the manga. I think it was when Orihime got captured that I said to myself, "Fuck this shit. Just--Fuck this shit."

And thanks for the well-wishing!

i cant attend either anim xpo or comicon...
money issues are a bitch, especially when your on the east coast ¬_¬

well good luck to you and your endeavors! :D


xx; I wish I could go to Comic-con too! But alas, money issues, and I live 3-4 hours from San Diego...!

Thanks for the luck!

Bleach is slower than frozen molasses

XD Waaaaaaaaaaaaaayy too true.

i is crazy

hOw ToTaLlY wAcKy!

u r awesome

And thanks~ ::huggles::

Awesome! Yeah I'll be there. Princess Aurora is doing it again this year. I've never had the balls to do it because I don't watch enough Anime to know what to do lmao.

Fortunately, they finally made it official that you can use monologues from anime-themed games! And on top of YouTube videos of cutscenes and playthroughs you can use to find 'em, some games have their scripts transcribed on Gamefaqs!

I play games more than watch anime, but there weren't that many monologues by female characters that I could think of this year, much less characters within my natural range.

I look forward to seeing you guys!


The cure for the anime.

And I sure do read manga more than watch anime!

Good thing you did. Bleach gets boring after that part XD

No kidding!


I only read the Bleach Manga. :/

Likewise. Now I'm tempted to say that more read the manga than watch the anime!

Good luck! It comes to my understanding that a lot of competitors are NG-bred, so consider your participation as carrying the torch onward. We're all pulling for you (unless, of course, some of us decide to compete!), so draw upon your capability to fly over the edge even for a single passionate line, okay?

You'd be surprised at how much more of an advantage you have if you can be intense as well as over the edge! I aim to draw on what I do best alright!

And thanks!

They're cool with games this year? That makes sense. Aurora is doing something along those lines, it would seem. I don't really play enough "anime games", so I wouldn't know what to do. Plus my vocal range is super limited and very un-anime-like... Plus if I want to voice act I'll do it in my own shit soooo WHATEVS!!

I love your voice acting in Sanity not Included!!