Been voice acting for 9 years and still doing it! Email at kimlinhtranvo@gmail.com if you want me to check out your voice acting opportunity!

Kimlinh Tran @Hnilmik

Age 35, Female

Voice Actress

Southern CA, USA

Joined on 6/2/08

Exp Points:
2,865 / 3,210
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.86 votes
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:


There are allot of voice actress. With some practice...you can do really well here on NG.

Though I feel that Rina Chan does the better Princess Peach...I have to say your voices of Zelda was probably your strongest one.

But don't just limit yourself to the basic such as female voices and little boys.
If you REALLY want to get good...take some time to observe the unique voices on cartoon shows.

Penny - from Inspector Gadget has a sorta raspy voice yet feminine.
Truffles - from Chowder is voiced by a woman. (can you sound like an old lady?)
Mandy/Yumi - from Cartoon Network. A very heavy voice.

A person's voice acting is like singing...there is levels of tone, and sound one can achieve through imitating what you see on TV.

So far...I am able to imitate 50 voices perfectly ranging from voices such as Mickey Mouse to famous actors such as Christopher Walkens.

XD I get type-cast as Zelda all the time in Brawl machinimas, so I appreciate your insight~

2008 was my first year of VAing, so I do look forward to trying out more stuff and those opportunities are usually whenever I try out for something I don't usually do and get cast. Trying out new voices can be done on my own time, but only through actual acting will the performance "count".

I can sound like two kinds of old ladies (sweet is too easy to pull off, any girl can pull it off; "TF2 announcer"/Wilhelmina Slater is much more fun). I'm working on texture on the side 'cause I'm currently strengthening placement. I still need more formal training in terms of singing, but I'm strengthening my voice while working on placement.

You bet drawing inspiration from talented VA's can do wonders~ There's imitation, then there's trying-to-imitate-then-making-it-
your-own, which is made of ten flavors of awesome sauce if you ask me. Not a day goes by where I don't try TF2 or Sho Minamimoto quotes. I'm a complete dork for doing it, but it greatly improves range.

Dude. Now I really gotta hear what you got.

Well...maybe quoting that I can do "50" is a bit of an overstatement.

But i have love imitating voices for my friends for entertainment sake, quoting that I can sound exactly like them. I haven't counted how many I can do...but it's quite a number.

But I have no idea how to get started voice acting on my own.

It'll cost some money to get a New Computer, Flash, and Voice recording equipment.

But for now...my real talent is in writing.

"If you were gay" by Nami-Tsuki (on front page) was such an inspiration, that I offered a script for another flash. Writing is a breeze for me. But since her tablet broke...it'll be a while before it gets done.

(Note: In my opinion...voice acting in Anime is not as high of a regard than in regular cartoons. If you noticed...each voice in Cartoon Network is very unique and hard to imitate.)

One of my favorite voice is the voice of Billy (Billy and Mandy)
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC00UGmPbOs">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vC00UG mPbOs</a>

I also enjoy Ed and Finn by Matt Hill
<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nHfh048Rk">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=23nHfh 048Rk</a>

I just always wanted to test my abilities in voice acting one day...

But I assure you...Mickey Mouse and Elmo is a definite mastery.

Good Luck in voicing.

=P The most I spent for VAing is on an expensive microphone since I don't have a good quality cheap mic like everyone else (while shopping, I figured it best to buy a great mic from the get-go instead of wasting money "upgrading"). Audacity is free and my laptop ain't from the stone age (though it acts like it). I audition for lots of stuff online instead of casting my net too narrow (though it might cost money once I start auditioning for more professional productions).

Personally, I believe voice acting for both anime and American cartoons are both phenomenal. I cringe inside when people think it's just voice--It's acting too. If the voiceovers can make me forget that the characters on the screen are people behind mics, they've done an excellent job bringing the character to life and that's what separates professional voiceovers from amateurs. People can try to imitate all they want, but put them side to side and I'll know which one is the professional.

Still, I have to admit that lots of voiceovers consider original animation (that gets aired on Disney, Nickelodeon, Cartoon Network, and what have you) to be a Holy Grail. Not only does it pay more than anime, but you have to admit that most voiceovers have been inspired at some point in their lives by character voiceovers who are known the world over by their characters. I know for sure that Disney characters subconsciously drew me into voice acting without me even knowing it.

Anyways, I look forward to seeing more of your stuff 'cause by the looks of it, your writing is pretty good~

You rocked as Zoey! 'nuff said! =D

Thankoo~ You did pretty good as Bill!

This was excellent! Your vocal range is fantastic! I was especially amazed at the pokemon and Yoshi. I'm trying to become a voice actor myself, but it isn't going so well because I can never find anything to audition for. >_<

Hope to see you up there with Rina, Ego, and TomaMoto someday!

Awww... Thankoo~

At first my range was extremely limited, but that changed the more I tried out for stuff. I wasn't extremely picky as long as I have some kind of interest and Rina-chan is as big as she is partially because she tried out (and gets cast as) everything. Before I became insanely busy, I auditioned for all kinds of characters that were even outside of my range and sometimes I get cast. Now that I established voices I can do, I expand my range by practicing through "range reels" on my own time (Brawl is the biggest/only one I have so far).

Have you been to the VAC yet? That's where I started~
There are LOTS of stuff there you can try out for.
http://voiceacting.proboards62.co m/index.cgi

You are SO AWESOME! =D

Thanks~ I still have a ways to go though~

superb impressions= peach, lucas, pikachu, jigglypuff, the rest were good aswell, but thesefour were the best.

It's nice to hear which voices were the best from different people. It gives me a good idea of what I'm doing right and can work off of and which ones could use fine tuning~

What's up? you did a great job as zoey on LEFT4LOL and did a great job on those brawl characters. ^_^ just wanted to say that.

Nothing much. Just thinking about how badly I'm spending my time this weekend; I really should be catching up on assignments, but I just don't want to do it. Thanks for stopping by and I appreciate the compliment~

Wow that was annoying.

I got through 8 secs before I switched it off,
no offense.

=P Well, at least you were bored enough to last 8 seconds. I never get cast as Popo and Nana anyhow.

Nice work as Zoey in L4LOL. :)

Thankoo~ ::huggles::

I had a lot of fun recording for Zoey~ When I began recording the more angrier parts, it was after I came home from a bad day at college and I just let it all out. Screaming "FUCK YOU!!" 8+ times into the mic was stress-relieving~

Chciks can do many things with their mouth's as well as vocal cords... good parody I had fun, enjoying its awesome-sauciness

=P I'm sure chicks can do all sorts of things with mouths, from blowing bubblegum to making random popping noises with their lips.

Yay~ It's always a blast have fun in awesome sauce-ness with others~

Wow, good job! Loved the part as Zoey and you've got a pretty good range vocally. What kind of mic do you have? It's pretty clear, no noise.

Thankoo~ I'm working on placement to broaden my range more on the older side, since I usually get cast as older characters (and that only "works" when I actually CAN sound as old). I can go on forever about voice age...

My mic is a Samson C01U and I record with Audacity (which is free). It's kinda pricey, especially since some people have pretty good sound quality with cheap external Logitech mics, but this mic more recommended if you're serious about VAing.

Yeah I took a look at that mic a while ago. I got a CL7 as a gift, recording band stuff. But yeah, not really sturdy, broke it. Is the 01 working well for you?

My mic is doing fine~ I feel kinda bad that I'm lazy with it (I don't record on the go because I don't want to take it apart), but it's my desk buddy.

While I did not like LEFT4LOL, I say use your "deepness" to your advantage. Personally, I have not come across many female voice actors who can do natural deeper tones. For some reason, the english voice of Rukia from Bleach comes to mind. So use your unique style to your advantage!

Thanks and I appreciate your thoughts~ Quite a few of my mentors told me I need sound a bit deeper to hit the "sweet spot" range of deep voices, so you bet I'll be practicing until I get there (and likely after to keep it)!

*anime face* ~~~~~ smash bros brawl~

::attempts a cute face before bursting into flames::

Well, Brawl will have to do until I have something else to showcase, huh?

voice acting as usual are supurb


Holy crap... Those were great. o.o
The jokes made me laugh a lot as well. Seriously though... Your voice is awesome. I might actually watch Dubbed anime if you were in it!

I actually am in a dubbed anime. I provided additional voices for volumes 2 and 3 of an anime called "Tweeny Witches" (along with Rina-chan in volume 2), but you can't really hear me.

Hopefully I'll end up in something with an actual role someday~

That was great! You sounded hilarious all frustrated and yelling.
Keep up the good work! Hope to see you in some more submissions.
or rather hear you lol.

Heheheheheh... Someone told me today that I either sound cute or funny when I'm angry (instead of scary), so methinks I should get angry more often for the sake of entertainment purposes.

I look forward in being more submissions too~


Second episode totally up at machinima.com (waiting for youtube version, since the comments EXPLODE over there). Nice work as Shiek!


When it first came out, I kept replaying it the entire weekend~ I'm also waiting for the YouTube version since I already downloaded my copy from Machinima.com~ And thankoo~ Your improv stuffs with Grant and Gront? TEN FLAVORS OF AWESOME SAUCE. I COULDN'T STOP LAUGHING!!


Oh god, you are seriously... damn. I really don't know what to say. Amazing would be an understatement. You're raw talent, just needing a tad bit of polishing and practice.

You have potential to become one of the greatest voice actresses not just on newgrounds, but ever.

I was really surprised when I saw left4lol. I never realized that aside from sakura (or the voice actress from Brawl Taunts) there was another hidden giant lying in the shadows.

If you have time to spare, I'd love for you to do me the honor of voice-casting for some of my future works. (Not just games).

To sum up, I think you've become my favorite voice actress on newgrounds and I hope to see (hear) more from you.

I'll be rooting you on, whether times or good or bad, rest assured that no matter when, you'll have one fan cheering you on and supporting you, even if the world should hate you, I'll still be there.

Well, hey - what can I say? I love talent of all kinds. And you have an exception talent gifted with the voice of God.

Good Luck and peace out man (woman),
Nick (6th-sage)

o_o; Wow... Dude, that's very thoughtful of you. I'm glad to have amazed you to this extent and I thank you for the support.

I'd be happy to try out for future projects you may have in store, especially once I get more me-time to work on them (since I don't want to disappoint people with my dedicated but poor time management)~

And I hope I don't come off as rude, but I don't even know who sakura is (I'm pretty NG sheltered; I know who Rina-chan is though). So many talented people I'm just getting to know...

I now feel tempted to rerecord the stuff I recorded for last year that didn't get released yet...

You did a good job on LEFT4LOL.You we're hilarious.

Thanks~ ::hugsh::

XD It's always nice to hear that I made someone laugh~

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